Jacob Friedrich von den Brincken

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Jacob Friedrich von den Brincken († November 27, 1791 ) was an Imperial and Royal Lieutenant Field Marshal .


Jakob Friedrich was a member of the Prussian branch of the Courland noble family von den Brincken . He was married to Benigna Gottlieb Voigt (1771–1861), who was married to the governor of Livonia Georg Friedrich von Fölkersahm (1766–1848) in the second marriage . The marriage resulted in three daughters:

  • Louise Amalie Benigna Gottliebe von den Brincken
  • Friederike Annette Elisabeth von den Brincken († 1872)
  • Noun nescio from the Brincken


Jakob Friedrich served in the imperial army on October 21, 1758 with rank from January 13, 1758 as field sergeant and rose on May 1, 1773 with rank from October 3, 1766 as field marshal lieutenant. He was the owner of the Bohemian Infantry Regiment No. 18 and heir to Keveln.
