Jacobi variety

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The Jacobi variety is a complex -dimensional torus and is considered in function theory. The name goes back to the mathematician Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi , who developed the theory of elliptical functions in which this variety plays an important role. This object finds particular application in Abel's theorem and in Jacob's inversion problem .


Periodic grid

Let be a compact Riemann surface with gender and be the fundamental group of . Let it be a basis of the holomorphic differential forms . Then is called

the period lattice of .

Due to the linearity of the integral obtained immediately an additive group structure on . The period grid is a real grid .

Jacobi variety

As in the definition above, let it be a compact Riemann surface with gender and a base of . Then is called

Jacobi variety of .


  • Since both and have an additive group structure, one can understand the quotient of two groups. So it is algebraically a group of factors .
  • But since there is also a lattice, one can understand it as a -dimensional torus, on which one can define a structure of a complex manifold .
  • Taken together, the Jacobi variety is a Lie group .
