Jacques-Philippe-Augustin Douchet

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Jacques-Philippe-Augustin Douchet (* Arras ) was a French lawyer, linguist, grammarian and encyclopedist .

Live and act

He worked as a lawyer at the Parlement . Douchet later taught Latin at the Paris Military Academy, École royale militaire . As an author, he wrote on the general principles of the French language and in 1762 laid down rules for the French spelling; including his comments on the debate.

In 1765, César Chesneau Du Marsais died , who until then had been responsible for the subject of grammar for the Encyclopédie by Denis Diderot . After his death, Douchet and Nicolas Beauzée - both at the Ecole royale militaire - took over his work.

Works (selection)

  • Principes généraux et raisonnés de l'orthographe françoise, avec des remarques sur la prononciation. chez la Veuve Robinot (1762)


  • Nicolas Le Moyne Des Essarts: Les Siècles littéraires de la France. Paris 1800, p. 382.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Josef Niederehe, EFK Koerner: History and Historiography of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences. John Benjamin Publishing Co. (1990) ISBN 9-0272-4542-8 p. 521
  2. Frank A. Kafker: Notices sur les auteurs of dix-sept volumes de "discours" de l'Encyclopédie. Research on Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie. 1989, Volume 7, Numéro 7, pp. 125-150
  3. ^ University of Michigan Library: The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert collaborative translation project.
  4. ^ Johann Samuel Ed .: The learned France or Lexicon of the French writers from 1771 to 1796. BG Hoffmann, Hamburg 1797, p. 405