Jacques Boyvin

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Jacques Boyvin (* around 1653 in Paris ; † June 30, 1706 in Rouen ) was a French organist and composer .


Jacques Boyvin received his training at the organ of the Paris blind hospital Hôpital des Quinze-Vingts , where he worked as an organist from 1663. From 1674 he was organist at the Notre-Dame cathedral in Rouen and held the position until his death.

He created compositions for keyboard instruments, mainly organ works, some of which are specially tailored to the instrument he played in Rouen Cathedral and some of them are still played today.

Works (selection)

  • Premier Livre d'orgue contenant les huit tons à l'usage ordinaire de l'église (1689)
  • Second Livre d'orgue contenant les huit tons à l'usage ordinaire de l'église (1689 and 1700)
  • Traité abrégé de l'accompagnement pour l'orgue et pour le clavessin (1705)


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