Jacques Vandier

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Jacques Vandier (* 1904 in Haubourdin , † October 15, 1973 in Paris ) was a French Egyptologist and chief curator of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the Louvre (Paris).


Vandier was chief curator of the Egyptian Antiquities Department at the Louvre from 1936 to 1945. In 1955 he suffered a severe attack of polio, but continued his work until his death. In 1972 he was appointed inspector general of the museums of France and in 1973 president of the conservators' association.

Vandier was also a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres , a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and, since 1968, of the British Academy . He was an officer in the Legion of Honor and the French Order of Merit.


  • La religion égyptienne , 1949
  • La sculpture égyptienne , 1952
  • Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne , 1952–1964
  • Le Papyrus Jumilhac , 1962
  • La famine dans l'Égypte ancienne , 1979


  • Georges Posener: Jacques Vandier, in: Bulletin de la société francaise d'égyptologie 68 (1973), 3-5.
  • Jean Leclant: Jacques Vandier, in: Journal Asiatique 262 (1974), 11-18.