Yearbook of the Hamburg art collections

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Yearbook of the Hamburg art collections
The yearbook Hamburger Kunstsammlungen on the bookshelf
description Scientific journal
Area of ​​Expertise Journal for painting, sculpture, handicrafts, architecture, graphics, book art, art theory, ancient and oriental art
language Mainly, German, occasional, English, unknown language, French
publishing company Hauswedell & Co.
First edition 1948
attitude 1980
Frequency of publication yearly
editor Hamburger Kunsthalle , Museum of Arts and Crafts Hamburg

The yearbook of the Hamburger Kunstsammlungen (JHKS) was an art history journal that was published jointly by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg . It was published as a yearbook in 25 volumes from 1948 to 1980 by the Hauswedell & Co. publishing house in Hamburg . While the first three volumes were published with a delay between 1948 and 1958, the subsequent volumes from volume 4 (1959) onwards came out at regular annual intervals. The last volume 25 from 1980 contains on pages 247 to 261 an index edited by Wolfgang Eckhardt of all the articles published in the journal.

The yearbook contains both research and acquisition reports on works of art that are kept in the two Hamburg museums, as well as articles of a general nature on art history and art theory. In addition, almost every volume is introduced by personalia: ceremonial speeches, memorial speeches or appreciation of people who are particularly connected to Hamburg's cultural life, such as Gertrud Bing , Carl Georg Heise , Alfred Lichtwark , Lise Lotte Möller , Erwin Panofsky , Gustav Pauli and Aby Warburg .

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