Jakob Karweyse

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Jacob or Jakob Karweyse (also Karweysse ; active around 1492) was a goldsmith in Marienburg ; he is considered the first Prussian book printer.

Karweyse, who probably belonged to a local family, became a citizen of the city of Marienburg in 1476. In 1492 he printed the book by Johannes Marienwerder , Leben der zeligen vrouwen Dorothea , which dealt with the life of Dorothea von Montau . The Passienbüchlein of the four main virgins, which he and Konrad Kachelofen printed, contains legends written in the 14th century about the virgins and martyrs of the 3rd and 4th centuries, Barbara of Nicomedia , Dorothea , Catherine of Alexandria and Margaret of Antioch, who were venerated as saints .

Known prints

  • Johannes von Marienwerder: Life of the blessed Dorothea. Marienburg: Jakob Karweysse, 1492. 8 ° IBP 3173. Borm: IG 1781. (GW M14326)
  • Johannes von Marienwerder: Life of the blessed Dorothea. [Marienburg: Jakob Karweysse, around 1492]. 4 ° (GW M14327)
  • A little book of passions from the four main virgins. [Marienburg: Jakob Karweysse]. 8 °, IBP 4167. (GW M29578)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Dziatzko : What do we know about the life and person of Joh: Gutenberg? In: Collection of library studies. 8th issue., Leipzig 1895
  2. Barbara Wolf-Dahm:  Jakob Karweyse. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 3, Bautz, Herzberg 1992, ISBN 3-88309-035-2 , Sp. 475-479.
  3. Passienbuchlein from the four main virgins. In: Author's Lexicon . Volume VII, Col. 325-327.
  4. http://www.habenkatalogderwiegendrucke.de