Jakob Rosenberg (Esperantist)

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Jacob Rosenberg (* January 28 . Jul / 9. February  1881 greg. In Soosaare , Livonia ; † 26. December 1937 ) was an Estonian Esperantist .


Jakob Rosenberg, along with Helmi Dresen (1892–1941), Paul Ariste (1905–1990) and the Baltic German Edgar von Wahl (1867–1948), pioneered the Esperanto movement in Estonia .

Rosenberg joined the Esperanto movement in 1905. In 1907 he co-founded an Esperantist group in the Estonian capital Tallinn (German Reval ), which existed until 1913 under the name Revela Esperantista Grupo . He founded a similar society in the university town of Tartu (German Dorpat ), the Dorpata Esperantista Societo .

From 1911 Rosenberg gave Esperanto lessons in Tartu, later also in Tallinn.


In 1912 he published an Esperanto reader with grammar for Estonians, the Esperantaj legaĵoj. Facila legolibro kun gramatiko por Estoj. Esperanto lugemised. Kerge lugemiseraamat yes grammar eestlastele.

Rosenberg published his Esperanto-Eesti sõnastik , a dictionary of Esperanto- Estonian, in Tallinn in 1912 . It was the third of its kind after 1895 and 1911.

Eesti-Esperanto sõnastik

In 1923 the Eesti-Esperanto sõnastik appeared , a dictionary of Estonian-Esperanto with 7,600 entries. It was the very first Estonian-Esperanto dictionary.

In 1931 Rosenberg presented a complete Esperanto grammar with reading pieces and a dictionary. The work was published in Tallinn under the title Esperanto lugemik. Täieline grammatika ja sõnastik. Esperanta legajaro .

Other Esperanto writings by Jakob Rosenberg were

  • Intima frazludo (Tallinn 1932)
  • Societa ludaro por hejmo kaj ekskurso (Tallinn, 1933)
  • Multiplika tabelaro (Tallinn, n.d. [1934])

Jakob Rosenberg has found his final resting place in the cemetery in the Rahumäe district of Tallinn .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.raamatukoi.ee/cgi-bin/raamat?171252
  2. http://www.raamatukoi.ee/cgi-bin/raamat?171249
  3. http://www.raamatukoi.ee/cgi-bin/raamat?21838
  4. Eesti-Esperanto sonastik. J.Rosenberg 1923
  5. http://www.raamatukoi.ee/cgi-bin/raamat?130383