Jakob Tamm

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Gravestone of Jakob Tamm

Jakob Tamm (born April 25 . Jul / May 7, 1861 greg. In the municipality Vastse-Nõo , † July 13 jul. / July 26, 1907 greg. In Väike-Maarja ) was an Estonian poet .

life and work

Jakob Tamm attended schools in Koopsi and Kirepi and the Orthodox church school in Tilga in Tartu County . He studied from 1878 to 1881 at the teachers' college in Tartu, Livonia . Mainly through the influence of Mihkel Veske he came into contact with the national Estonian movement. From 1883, Tamm worked as a school teacher in Adavere and Pilistvere . From 1890 to 1893 he taught in Põltsamaa . Then he was head of the parish school in Väike-Maarja until his early death . He is also buried in Väike-Maarja, in whose cemetery a bust by the Estonian sculptor Jaan Kort commemorates him.

Jakob Tamm was best known to the Estonian public as a poet. He published numerous ballads and epic poems . He also translated from German ( Heine ) and Russian (including Pushkin , Krylow ).

Poetry collections

  • Ärganud hääled (two volumes, 1892)
  • Jakob Tamme lugulaulud (posthumous, 1914)
  • Kogutud luuletused (posthumous, 1959)


  • Richard Alekõrs: Jakob Tamm. Ühe inimese elu ja töö lugu. Tallinn 1978.
  • Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. Berlin / New York 2006, ISBN 3-11-018025-1 , pp. 304f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti Elulood. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 511.