James Barclay

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James Barclay (born March 15, 1965 in Felixstowe ( Suffolk ), England ) is a British fantasy writer .


His youthful enthusiasm for role-playing games , fantasy and science fiction novels led Barclay to start writing himself at an early age. He began engineering at Sheffield Polytechnics at the age of eighteen, but soon switched to the arts and studied communications. His first publication as an author was in a local magazine.

After graduating, Barclay took classes at an acting school in London , took part in smaller productions and also worked for a parcel service and as an investment advisor . There he continues to work as an advertising agent.

In 1999, his debut novel Dawnthief (published in Germany in two parts, namely Zauberbann und Drachenschwur ) was published as the first part of the novel series The Chronicles of the Raven (Eng .: The Chronicles of the Raven ). The series' great commercial success enabled him to concentrate entirely on writing.

Barclay is married and lives with his wife in Teddington near London.


The Chronicles of the Raven (The Chronicles of the Raven)


The legends of the raven (The Legends of the Raven)

The Children of Estorea (Ascendants of Estorea)


Single volumes

The novel Light Stealer , published in England in 2003, is about the great magician Septern, who is also often referred to in the Chronicles of the Raven . A translation into German is apparently not currently planned.

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