James Flynn (film producer)

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James Flynn (* 1968 ) is an Irish film and television producer.


Flynn first worked for the Investment Bank of Ireland before joining the film production company Merlin Films founded by John Boorman . From 1993 to 1997 he worked for the Irish Film Board. In the summer of 1997 he co-founded Metropolitan Film Productions. This was later followed by the formation of Octagon Films, which Flynn runs jointly with Morgan O'Sullivan and Juanita Wilson .

As a producer in various positions, Flynn has been involved in more than 60 productions for film and television since 1998. He is currently working as an executive producer on the series Vikings .

The short film The Door earned him an Oscar nomination in 2010 .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on iftn.ie, accessed on January 4, 2018.