James Yorke (physicist)

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James Yorke, 2011

James Alan Yorke (born August 3, 1941 in Plainfield , New Jersey , USA ) is an American professor of physics and mathematics and chairman of the mathematics department of the University of Maryland , College Park.


Yorke went to Pingry School in Martinsville , New Jersey. He graduated from Columbia University with a bachelor's degree in 1963 and received his PhD in mathematics under Aaron Strauss at the University of Maryland in 1966 ( Asymptotic Properties of Solutions Using the Second Derivative of a Liapunov Function ) He stayed at the University of Maryland, where he was in 1972 received a research professorship. In 1988 he became director of the Institute for Physical Science and Technology there.

Yorke is a pioneer of chaos theory. He and his PhD student Tien-Yien Li coined the mathematical term chaos for the research direction (which is also known in mathematics as the qualitative theory of differential equations or the theory of dynamic systems) in 1975 in an influential paper Period Three Implies Chaos . In it they investigated one-dimensional discrete dynamic systems such as quadratic mappings of the unit interval ( logistic equation ), which soon afterwards (also due to a simultaneous work by Robert May ) became a main model for the investigation of dynamic systems (with the discovery of the Feigenbaum period doubling scenario of chaos formation and its universality in the late 1970s). They proved in general that when periods of order 3 occur, all other periods k also occur, as well as initial values ​​with completely chaotic behavior. Li and Yorke had a forerunner in the work of the Ukrainian mathematician Oleksandr Scharkowskyj (Sharkovsky) as early as 1964 , which is why the theorem that periods of order 3 also include periods of every order is also known as Sharkovski's theorem .

With Celso Grebogi and Edward Ott , he founded research on the control of chaos in 1990. He dealt with applications of chaos theory, among other things in epidemiology .

Tien-Yien Li (professor at Michigan State University) is one of his PhD students.


He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society , the American Mathematical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science . Since 2016 Thomson Reuters has counted him among the favorites for a Nobel Prize ( Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates ) due to the number of his citations .


  • with Kathleen T. Alligood, Tim Sauer Chaos. An introduction to dynamical systems , Springer Verlag 1997
  • with Helena E. Nusse Dynamics: Numerical explorations , 2nd edition, Springer Verlag 1988
  • Editor with Tim Sauer, Edward Ott Coping with chaos , Wiley 1994
  • with TY Li: Period Three Implies Chaos . In: American Mathematical Monthly . Volume 82, 1975, p. 985.
  • with Edward Ott, Celso Grebogi Chaos, strange attractors and fractal basin boundaries in nonlinear dynamical systems , Science, Volume 238, 1987, p. 585
  • with E. Ott, Grebogi Controlling chaos , Physical Review Letters, Volume 64, 1990, p. 1196
  • with T. Shinbrot, Ott, Grebogi Using small perturbations to control chaos , Nature, Volume 363, 1993, p. 411

Web links

Commons : James A. Yorke  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project
  2. Li and Yorke refer to it in a footnote as an independent study
  3. For example Herbert Hethcote, Yorke Gonorrhea transmission dynamics and control , Springer Verlag 1984
  4. ^ Maryland Professor James Yorke Shares Japan Prize. University of Maryland, December 18, 2002, accessed March 3, 2018 .
  5. ^ Jim Yorke Awarded Honorary Degree. University of Maryland, 2014, accessed March 3, 2018 .
  6. Web of Science Predicts 2016 Nobel Prize Winners. In: ipscience.thomsonreuters.com. September 21, 2016, archived from the original on September 21, 2016 ; accessed on September 21, 2016 (English).