Jan Moerman

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Jan Moerman (born July 10, 1850 in Batavia , † December 6, 1896 in Berchem ) was a Dutch painter.


Moerman was probably the son of the artillery officer Johannes Lodewijk Moerman and his wife Elisa Julia Gijsberta Wilhelmina (née Bosch), who were married on February 6, 1848 in Batavia. He was a student of PJ van der Ouderaa. His work mainly includes genre representations, in particular pub scenes or scenes in which board games are played. His works include the paintings De kaartspeler 'die Kartenrunde' from 1893 or Een spelletje backgammon 'a game of backgammon' from 1892.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Almanak van Nederlandsch-Indië voor het jaar 1850 . Lands Drukkery, 1851, p. 369 ( books.google.de ).
  2. The card round by Jan Moerman. artnet.de, accessed December 13, 2019 .
  3. ^ Moerman JL - Johannes Lodewijk 'Jan Ludovicus' Moerman, Een spelletje backgammon. In: simonis-buunk.nl. simonis-buunk.nl, accessed on December 13, 2019 (nl-NL).