Jan Reisner

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Aurora , Wilanów Palace

Jan Reisner (* 1655 ; † December 9, 1713 in Węgrów , Kingdom of Poland ) was a painter and geometer in Warsaw .


His origin is unknown, possibly he came from the Lviv region . It was first mentioned in Warsaw in 1674. Jan Reisner was able to with a scholarship from King Johann III. Sobieski visit the Luke Academy in Rome . In 1682 he received a degree for the architectural model of a church, the sketches of which have been preserved. Jan Reisner received the Order of the Golden Spur and was honored by the Pope with the title Auratae militae eques . In 1683 he was in Vienna .

Afterwards Jan Reisner was court painter at the royal court in Warsaw. In 1692 he married the daughter of a court carver and widow of a court musician.

After the death of King John III. changed his privileged position at court. In 1699 the new King August II (the Strong) appointed him court geographer and geometer, no longer court painter. Soon after 1702 Jan Reisner moved to Wengrów, where he became a geometer for the starost Jan Dobrogost Krasiński . There he died and was buried at the church.


Lamentation of Christ

Jan Reisner created numerous paintings and drawings, only a few of which have survived. His painting style was characterized by harmonious proportions and clear contours. He is one of the most important baroque painters in Poland.

  • Aurora ( Jutrzenka ), ceiling painting, Wilanów Palace , after the face of Queen Marie Casimire
  • Glorification of King John III. ( Gloryfikacje cnót Jana III. ), 1683/90, now in the National Museum in Warsaw , attribution
  • Condemnation of John the Baptist ( Kazanie św. Jana Chrzciciela ), 1689, Camaldolese Church in Warsaw, signed by name, duplicate in Church of the Visiting Church
  • Lamentation of Christ ( Opłakiwanie pod krzyżem ), 1696, Visitant Church in Warsaw , duplicate in St. Anthony's Church


  • Urszula Makowska, Katarzyna Mikocka-Rachubowa: Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działających . Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa 2007. pp. 293-294
  • Mariusz Karpowicz: Barok w Polsce . Arkady, Warszawa 1988. pp. 67-68 ISBN 83-21-33197-1
  • Mariusz Karpowicz: Jan Reisner - zapomniany malarz i architect. In: Biuletyn Historii Sztuki. 21. 1959. pp. 70-83

Web links

Commons : Jan Reisner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files