Javier Manterola

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Princip de Viana bridge in Lleida
Puente de la Constitución de 1812 / Puente de la Pepa, Cadiz

Javier Manterola Armisén (born June 17, 1936 in Pamplona ) is a Spanish civil engineer.

Manterola studied at the Polytechnic in Madrid, spent a few years at the Eduardo Torroja Institute in Madrid, where he obtained his doctorate, and joined the bridge engineering company he co-founded in 1964 by Carlos Fernández Casado (CFCSL). There he is Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He also taught bridge construction at the Polytechnic in Madrid until 2006.

His bridges include the Puente de la Constitución de 1812 (Puente de la Pepa, 2015) in Cádiz and the Puente Ingeniero Carlos Fernández Casado (1984, the bridge with the longest span in Spain), the Pasarela del Voluntariado pedestrian bridge for Expo 2008 in Saragossa, the Puente de la Delicias in Seville and the Puente de Andalucía over the Guadalquivir in Cordoba (2004). He also restored historic bridges such as the Puente Nuevo in Murcia , which he converted into a pedestrian bridge. He worked with well-known architects such as Rafael Moneo .

In 2006 he received the International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering , in 1996 the fip medal, in 2005 the Premios Internacionales de Navarra Príncipe de Viana and in 2001 the national Spanish civil engineering award . He is a member of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.

Pasarela del Voluntariado, Saragossa

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