Jean-Christophe Victor

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Jean-Christophe Victor, 2013

Jean-Christophe Victor (born May 30, 1947 in Paris , † December 28, 2016 in Montpellier ) was a French political scientist and television presenter .

Jean-Christophe Victor was the son of the French ethnologist and polar explorer Paul-Émile Victor and the TV producer Éliane Decrais . He was due to a submitted dissertation on Anthropology from the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales to the doctor (INALCO) PhD . He also studied political science . He worked for the French Foreign Ministry in the Analysis and Forecasting Center.

In 1992, together with his wife Virginie Raisson, he founded the Lépac (Laboratoire d'études politiques et cartographiques) and a company for the preparation of geostrategic studies. Since 1990 he has moderated, first for the broadcaster La Sept and then also for ARTE, the program “ Mit Open Cards ”.

He died of a heart attack on the night of December 27-28, 2016 in Montpellier at the age of 69 . He left four children.


  • 1985: Armes: France Troisième Grand , éditions Autrement , Paris
  • 1992: Planète Antarctique ( Paul-Émile Victor ), Laffont, Paris
  • 1993: L'enjeu afghan ou La cité des murmures , Editions Lattès, Paris
  • 2005: ( Virginie Raisson and Frank Tétart ) Le dessous des cartes - Atlas géopolitique , Editions Tallandier
  • 2007: (Virginie Raisson and Frank Tétart) Le dessous des cartes - Atlas d'un monde qui change , Editions Tallandier
  • 2007: (Paul-Émile Victor), Adieu l'Antarctique , Laffont, Paris

Web links

Commons : Jean-Christophe Victor  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Bruno Mouly: Conversation with Jean-Christophe Victor. Arte , September 15, 2005, archived from the original on October 15, 2011 ; accessed on December 30, 2016 (first published in “Le Moniteur du Commerce International -MOCI-”, No. 1701–1702, May 5–12, 2005).

Individual evidence

  1. Delphine Papin, Frank TETART: Jean Christophe Victor, expert en géopolitique et l'émission de créateur "Le dessous des cartes" est mort . Le Monde , December 29, 2016, accessed December 30, 2016 (French).
  2. [1]
  3. ^ "Le Dessous des cartes: tribute to Jean-Christophe Victor" , Arte ,