Jean-François Flamand

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Jean-François Flamand

Jean-François Flamand (born June 21, 1766 in Besançon , † December 10, 1838 in Versailles ) was a French général de brigade of the infantry .


Flamand joined the royal army on April 16, 1785. He was soon able to distinguish himself through bravery in the Revolutionary Wars and was also promoted several times.

Under the leadership of General Armand-Louis de Gontaut, duc de Biron and General Alexis Chalbot , he fought a. a. at Laval (October 22, 1793) and was wounded there.

As a partisan of Napoleon , he supported Napoleon's coup d'état of the 18th Brumaire VIII on November 9, 1799 (→ French Consulate ).

After further promotions, Flamand fought with his own command at Marengo (June 14, 1800), Preussisch Eylau (February 7/8, 1807) and Friedland (June 14, 1807).

When Napoleon was planning his campaign in Spain in 1808 , Flamand came to the staff of Maréchal de France Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult and led a regiment of Tirailleurs there .

Flamand also took part in Napoleon's Russian campaign. He fought near Klyastitsy (July 28 / August 1, 1812), the Battle of Smolensk (August 17/18, 1812), Borodino (September 7, 1812) and on the Berezina (November 26-28, 1812).

During the siege of Antwerp (→ Citadel of Antwerp ) Flamand was wounded in a battle near Durn (February 1, 1814). After the Battle of Paris (March 30, 1814) and Napoleon's abdication (→ Treaty of Fontainebleau ), Flamand joined King Louis XVIII. on.

With effect from April 9, 1816, Flamand was officially retired. He retired into private life and settled in Versailles. He died on December 10, 1838 at the age of 72 and was buried there.



  • David G. Chandler : The campaigns of Napoleon . Weidenfeld, London 1993, ISBN 0-297-81367-6 (reprint of the London 1966 edition).
  • Baptiste-Pierre Jullien de Courcelles: Dictionnaire historique et biographique des généraux français, vol. 6 . Self-published, Paris 1822.
  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités miliataires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850 . Poignavant, Paris 1851 (2 vols.).
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographiques des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Émpire. 1792-1814 . Saffroy, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (reprint of the Paris 1934 edition).
  • Digby Smith : The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book . Greenhill, London 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9 .