Jean-Louis Déotte

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Jean-Louis Déotte (2013)

Jean-Louis Déotte (born September 15, 1946 in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) , † February 17, 2018 in Assinie-Mafia , Ivory Coast ) was a French philosopher , art and media theorist.

life and work

Déotte was professor of philosophy at the University of Paris VIII (Saint Denis). He was the program coordinator of the research project “arts, appareils, diffusion” at the “Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Nord” and editor of the “Revue Appareil”. At the L'Harmattan publishing house, he was in charge of the “Collection Esthétiques”.

Déotte's research focused on the apparatus that is different for each epoch, but always shapes the culture, politics and thinking of a particular time. In video and cogito , he traces the functional logic of the apparatus of the central perspective , from which the specifically modern self-image emerges.

Works (selection)



  • with Michel Faucher: Gerard Venturelli. Carre de nuit ou le plaisir comme derive . Ed. Gerard Venturelli, Paris 1993
  • Les autoportraits de Mapplethorpe (with essays by Jean-Michel Ribettes & Jean-Louis Deotte). Baudoin Lebon, Paris 1996
  • as editor: Hommages. La tradition discontinue . L'Harmattan / Musée d'Amiens, Paris and Amiens 1997
  • L'homme de verre: esthétiques benjaminiennes . Harmattan, Paris and Montréal 1998
  • as editor: Le jeu de l'exposition . L'Harmattan, Paris 1998
  • with Alain Brossat: L'époque de la disparition. Politique et esthétique . L'Harmattan, Paris 2000
  • L'époque de l'appareil perspectif: Brunelleschi, Machiavel, Descartes . L'Harmattan, Paris 2001
  • with Alain Brossat: La mort dissoute . L'Harmattan, Paris 2002
  • L'époque des appareils . Editions Lignes, Paris 2004
  • Appareils et formes de la sensibilité . L'Harmattan, Paris 2005
  • Qu'est-ce qu'un appareil? Benjamin, Lyotard, Rancière . L'Harmattan, Paris 2007
  • with Marion Froger and Silvestra Mariniello: Appareil et intermédialité . L'Harmattan, Paris 2007

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary , accessed March 8, 2018 ( French )