Jean-Pierre Victor Faliès

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Jean-Pierre Victor Faliès (born January 12, 1849 in Montpellier , † March 18, 1901 there ) was a French painter.


Jean-Pierre Victor Faliès was born in 1849 as the son of Louis Faliès in Montpellier in the Hérault department. He became a student of the history painter, etcher and sculptor Jean-Joseph Bonaventure Laurens , but discovered genre and landscape painting for himself during his training.

From 1868 Faliès was a member of the Cercle Maguelone and exhibited his first paintings in the salons of Béziers , Narbonne , Castres and Toulouse . Later even individual works were accepted for the exhibition in the Paris Salon. In 1873 he joined the Societe artistique de l'Hérault , and in 1895 also the Societe des beaux arts de Montpellier .

The majority of his paintings show landscapes in the immediate vicinity of his hometown Montpellier . Since Faliès mostly created these in spring and summer, it was also known as Peintre du Printemps . His impressionistic brushwork and the extraordinary way in which he executed the sky in his pictures attracted particular attention.

Works (selection)

  • La Place de la Comédie (Musee de Montpellier), around 1880, oil on panel
  • Le Champs de Course, Caen (private collection), around 1880/1890, 31.5 cm × 45 cm, oil on paper, laid down on hardboard
  • Le Havre (private collection), around 1890, 38 cm × 27.5 cm, watercolor


  • Saur: General artist lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Volume 36: Ezeoke - Faradje . KG Saur, Munich, Leipzig 2003
  • Bénézit: Dictionnaire critique des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers. Nouvelle Édition. Tome 5: Eadie - Gence . Éditions Gründ, Paris 1999
  • Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Les paysages dans les arts et la littérature. Regards sur le Languedoc-Roussillon. Colloque tenu les 21–22 November 2013, under the event of the Conference Nationale des Académies . Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier 2013
  • Harambourg: Dictionnaire des peitres paysagistes français au XIXe siècle . Editions Ides et Calendes, Neuchatel 1985

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