Jean Adhémar

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Jean Adhémar (March 18, 1908 , † June 30, 1987 ) was a French art historian , archivist , specialist in printmaking and university professor.


Jean Adhémar was the son of a lawyer from Provence . In 1928 he entered the École nationale des Chartes , where he became a student of Marcel Aubert . Adhémar completed his studies as archivist there in 1932. He then moved to the Sorbonne , where he received his doctorate from Henri Focillon in 1938 to docteur ès-lettres with the work Lithographies de paysage en France à l'époque romantique .

His work L'antiquité classique dans l'art du Moyen Âge français was later published in the Warburg Institute series under the title Influences antiques dans l'art du Moyen-Âge français: recherches sur les sources et les thèmes d'inspiration . The connection to Fritz Saxl went hand in hand with Adhémar's position in the Bibliothèque nationale de France , where he worked from 1932 in the department for copperplate engravings and photographs, mediated by the then director Julien Cain (1887–1974).

In 1935 he organized an exhibition on the prints by Francisco Goya . From 1956 Adhémar was editor of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts , appointed by George Wildenstein . He expanded the subject area of ​​the Gazette with a view to collection history and caricatures of the 19th century. From 1961 to 1977 Adhémar was director of the BNF's copperplate cabinet.

With Jean Seznec , he published Diderot's edited salon reviews in four volumes between 1957 and 1966 . Adhémar founded the magazine Nouvelles de l'estampe and was editor of the magazine Terres d'images . He has taught at the Free University in Brussels , at the École du Louvre and at Harvard . Adhémar is the author of numerous works and he also wrote forewords to new editions of literary works.

His wife Hélène Adhémar was also an art historian.


  • with Linzeler, Andé: Inventaire du fonds français / 1: Androuet du Cerceau - Leu , Paris, Le Garrec [among others], 1932
  • Cat. Exhib. Goya: Exposition de l'oeuvre gravé, de peintures, de tapisseries, et de 110 dessins du Musée du Prado . Paris, 1935
  • with Linzeler, Andé: Inventaire du fonds français / 2: Levert - Woeiriot . Anonymous. Supplement. Paris, Le Garrec [ua], 1938 ( accessible online )
  • Influences antiques dans l'art du Moyen Âge français: recherches sur les sources et les thèmes d'inspiration , "Studies of the Warburg Institute 7", London: Warburg Institute, 1939
  • Les Graveurs français de la Renaissance , Paris: Alpina, 1946 (Encyclopedie Alpina illustrée)
    • New edition: Influences antiques dans l'art du moyen-âge français . Paris: Éditions du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 1996
  • Lithographies de paysages en France à l'époque romantique , In: Revue de l'art français ancien et moderne , 1935–1937, volume 19, p . 189-364. ( Accessible online )
  • Watteau, sa vie, son œuvre , Paris, 1950
  • Cat. Exhib. La gravure en France au XVIème siècle , Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 1957 ( accessible online )
  • with Seznec, Jean: Denis Diderot, Salons , 4 volumes., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957–1966
  • La gravure originale au XVIIIe siècle , Paris: A. Somogy, 1963
    • English edition: Graphic Art of the 18th Century , New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964
  • Toulouse-Lautrec: lithographies, pointes sèches, œuvre complet , Paris: Arts et métiers graphiques, 1965.
    • English edition: Toulouse-Lautrec: His Complete Lithographs and Drypoints , New York: HN Abrams, 1965
  • Gravure originale au XX e siècle , Paris: A. Somogy, 1967.
    • English edition: Twentieth-Century Graphics , New York: Praeger, 1971
  • Imagerie populaire française , Milan: Electa, 1968
  • Chronology impressionniste: 1863–1905 , Paris: Éd. de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1981
  • "In Praise of Lithography", Lithography: 200 Years of Art, History & Technique , New York: HN Abrams, 1983

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adhémar, Jean (1908-1987): Personal data BnF. Retrieved October 2, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ Database of dissertations from the École nationale des chartes. Retrieved October 2, 2018 (French).
  3. Encyclopædia Universalis: JEAN ADHÉMAR. Retrieved October 2, 2018 (French).
  4. Lee Sorensen: Adhémar, Jean . In: Dictionary of Art Historians . February 21, 2018 ( [accessed October 2, 2018]).
  5. Lee Sorensen: Adhémar, Jean . In: Dictionary of Art Historians . February 21, 2018 ( [accessed October 2, 2018]).
  6. ^ François Souchal: Obituary Jean Adhémar . Ed .: Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes. No. 146-2 . Paris 1988, p. 457-458 ( ).
  7. ^ Jean Adhémar (1908-1987) - Auteur - Ressources de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Retrieved October 2, 2018 (French).