Jean Neuberth

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Jean-Christian Neuberth (born November 10, 1915 in Paris , † March 16, 1996 in Chantilly ) was a French painter of abstraction .


Jean Neuberth grew up in a milieu of intellectuals and musicians: his father was a well-known violinist and his mother was a French teacher at the Lycée Lakanal University . The upbringing was closely monitored by his parents and he was considered extremely intelligent. In the early 1930s he played jazz in the bars of Montparnasse and on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées . During this time Neuberth met the painter Henri-Jean Closon (1888–1975) and received private painting and drawing lessons.


  • 1960 J. Peron Gallery
  • 1960 Valérie Schmidt gallery
  • 1962 Jean Camion Gallery
  • 1970 Anne Colin Gallery
  • 1974 Jacques Casanova Gallery
  • 1984 Caractères Gallery
  • 1993 Sculpture Gallery

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