Jean Ven Robert Hal

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Jean Ven Robert Hal (stage name of Roberto D'Agostino Vendola ; * 1970 in Milan ) is an Italian musician and composer of electronic music .


Jean Ven Robert Hal studied architecture , interior decoration and design . He first came into contact with music and composition at the age of six when he began to play the piano. After a period of neglect, he came closer to music in his adolescence .

Hal is a keyboardist, composer, arranger, and synthesizer programmer. He uses digital and electronic tools while using "Vintage" with brands like Moog , ARP , EMS , Elka, Oberheim , Synclavier , Fairlight CMI , Mellotron , a forerunner of the current sampler , the theremin and other musical instruments.

Jean Ven Robert Hal later switched to "Cosmic Music" ( Krautrock ). The educated musical style, born in Germany in the late 1960s, is known for expressing creative and widespread use of the synthesizer, vocoder, and dedicated electronic systems. The various musical influences of "Cosmic Music" that have characterized Hal's musical path are the psychedelic genres and " minimalism ", as well as electronic music , especially the Post-Webern. Currently, "Cosmic Music" is inserted and linked to the " Ambient " genre , and generally categorized as " New Age ".


His talent comes to the fore in the album "Cosmic Nature" and is characterized by broad melodies and sounds of "cosmic" covers.

"Cosmic Nature" is a journey into space, the nature of the universe, but also with an included inner state. Among the songs, a very important symphony, the composition of the same name, which can be found in the album's overture. Other successful titles that have been featured on television and are currently returning to prominence on the internet are:

  • "Hopes and Dreams" (SPIEGEL online):

full symphonic atmosphere reminiscent of classical music . Hal is able to bring color into the synthesizer with acoustic resonance.

  • Laser Hal 1 (Part. 1) (SPIEGEL online):

is an electronic cosmic interpretation, which initially represents an inner journey through time. It develops into a hectic rhythm in one part and more symphonic in the second part, but still completely accompanied by electronic effects. He used the theremin and mellotron choirs, the legendary mythical "M400" in addition to other synthesizers.

  • Laser Hal 2 (Part. 2) (SPIEGEL online):

one of the classic songs, cosmic-based sequencing in a harmonic and complex chain lock. "Laser Hal" represents the journey through several phases of the inner life, sometimes with the dissolution of the face, but always accompanied by a "red thread". Its "cosmic" sounds develop into a rhythmic dance.

  • Moon Voice (SPIEGEL online):

develops into sounds instead of a rhythmic techno dance. There is a song entirely dedicated to the first "moon landing" of Apollo 11 in 1969. One hears the original voices of Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins in electronic processing.

Jean Ven Robert Hal © & ®, fascinated by the world of 3D - computer graphics , has done for over ten years, several studies and improvements in this area. He is currently working on a multimedia project (3D visual and musical experiments) that will be released on DVD . (2011-2013).

Hal also approached composing soundtracks for films, music for short films, and composed an electronic symphony for Sigle TV.

Further collaborations

Hal has carried out several collaborations with the greatest masters of Italian and European synthesis: "Gian Felice Fugazza", former professor of electronic music at the Conservatory in Bologna ( Italy ). Also known as the head of a major news agency and for having written numerous articles in magazines and books on music synthesizers. It is also mentioned in many books and music lexicons.

Hal then worked on commercial jingles, as well as musical collaborations with various musicians in many productions, including MTV Music, and the modalities for the music of some TV networks.

Further collaborations with various classical musicians, choir conductors and symphony orchestras, including "Adriano Bassi" (also known as a music critic at RAI). From 1997–1998 | 98 for various concerts of classical music:

Jean Ven Robert Hal © & ® also sang as tenor in the ornate choir "Coro Hispano Americano" in Milan's Instituto Cervantes from 1996-1999, directed by director Marco Dusi. He was represented in more than 50 major concerts by the choir.

Listen to online music

  • Hopes and dreams
  • Anima
  • Laser Hal 1 (Part. 1)
  • Laser Hal 2 (Part. 2)
  • Moon Voice
  • Automation
  • Equilibrium



Web links