Jenő Gergely

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Prof. Dr. Jenő Gergely

Jenő Gergely (born March 10, 1944 in Tényő ; † December 10, 2009 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian historian, since 1990 professor of modern history and head of the doctoral college for history at Loránd Eötvös University .


After completing his studies, he worked from 1968 at the Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest . From 1975 he worked as a university lecturer and since 1995 as a full university professor with a chair. From 1997 until his death he was also head of the doctoral college for historical sciences. In 1974 he was awarded the degree of Candidate in Science (C.Sc.) and in 1991 a doctorate from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (D.Sc.).

Between 1994 and 1997, as well as 2001 and 2004, he was chairman of the Religious Studies Committee of the Doctoral Council at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Between 1997 and 2000, his research was awarded the Széchenyi Professor's Fellowship.

The history of the Church in Hungary, with a focus on the 19th and 20th centuries, was his field of research . He contributed to the differentiated and balanced assessment of numerous historical personalities, such as the Hungarian Archbishop and Primate József Mindszenty or the former Prime Minister Gyula Gömbös . In addition, he dealt with the political history of modern times in Hungary, where he led several research groups on parties and party programs , as well as autonomies and interest groups . He was the author of two dozen independent volumes as well as a participant in scientific conferences.

He was married and had a son.

Publications (selection)

  • A keresztényszocializmus Magyarországon 1903-1923. / The Christian-Social Idea in Hungary 1903-1923./ Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1977.
  • A pápaság története. / The history of the papacy / Budapest, Kossuth Könyvkiadó, 1982.
  • A trianoni Magyarország. / Hungary after Trianon / Budapest, Vince Kiadó, 1999.
  • A huszadik század története. / The history of the twentieth century / Budapest, Pannonica Kiadó, 2000.
  • Denominations and nationalities of Hungary in the period of dualism (1867-1918). In: Churches - states - nations in the enlightenment and in the nineteenth century. Ed. Filipowicz, Mirosław. (Proceedings of the Commission Internationale d'Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée. Vol. 4. Lublin, 1996)
  • The Relations between Hungary and the Apostolic Holy See (1918-1990). In: A thousand years of Christianity in Hungary. Ed. Zombori, István - Adriányi, Gabriel. Budapest, Hungarian Catholic Episcopal Conference, 2001.
  • A Mindszenty-per. / The Mindszenty Trial / Budapest, Kossuth Kiadó, 2001.
  • Magyarország a századfordulótól az ezredfordulóig. Száz év magyar történelme: 1896-2000. / Hungary from the turn of the century to the turn of the millennium. The story of a hundred years: 1896-2000./ Budapest, 2004.
  • Magyarországi pártprogramok, 1867-1998. / Party programs in Hungary 1867-1998./ Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2005. (Ed.)
  • Being Hungarian Christian European. Budapest, ELTE - L'Harmattan, 2006.
  • Autonomies in Hungary. Budapest, L'Harmattan, 2006. (Ed.)
  • A keresztényszindikalizmus a XIX-XX. században. / Christian syndicalism in the 19-20. Century./ Budapest, MTA, 2007.

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