Jeremias Balthasar Wilhelmi

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Jeremias Balthasar Wilhelmi (also: Hieronymus Wilhelmi or Hieronymus Balthasar Wilhelmi ; * around 1675 in Gotha , † after 1717 ) was a versatile German metal artist, gold and silversmith and medalist .


Jeremias Balthasar Wilhelmi was a student of Christian Wermuth and worked under him in the Gotha mint in his first years . In 1695 he went to Ilmenau as a goldsmith and coin cutter and worked there at the Saxon mint . There he worked as a mint master from 1717 . In the meantime, from 1701, he also did commissioned work for Mühlhausen .

The general artist encyclopedia also names Wilhelmi the job titles goldworker, goldsmith, silverworker, silversmith, coin cutter, iron cutter and seal cutter.

Wilhelmi's daughter Maria Christina Wilhelmi, who was born in Ilmenau around 1715, married the coin cutter Johann Wolfheinrich Stockmar (1707–1785).

The general artist lexicon ... published by Hans Heinrich Füssli in 1818 is based on two successive artists of the same or similar name Wilhelmi in the Saxon mint in Ilmenau.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hans Heinrich Füssli: Wilhelmi, Hieronymus or Jeremias Balthasar as well as Wilhelmi, Hieronymus Balthasar , in ders .: General Artist Lexicon, or: Brief message about the life and works of the Mahler, sculptor, master builder, copper engraver, art caster, steel cutter , [Etc. [Etc. : In addition to the attached lists of teachers and students; also of the portraits of the artists contained in this lexicon , second part, which contains the continuation and addition of the first. Section 10, first half: Va - Vicentino, Orell , Füeßli and Compagnie, Zurich: Orell, Füßli and Compagnie, 1818, p. 5095; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b c d Gerhard Schön (Ed.): Wilhelmi, Jeremias Balthasar , in ders .: Biographical Lexicon of Mint Masters, Wardeine, Die Cutters and Medalists
  3. Wolfgang Steguweit : History of the Gotha Mint from the 12th to the 19th Century , Weimar: Böhlau, 1987, p. 111; Preview over google books