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COLLECTIE TROPEN MUSEUM Krom zwaard met gevest van hertshoorn en schede TMnr 643-5.jpg
Weapon type: sword
Designations: Jimpul, Parang djimpul
Use: weapon
Region of origin /
Kalimantan , ethnic groups from Kalimantan: Dayak , Kenyah
Distribution: Indonesia
Blade length: up to about 77 cm
Handle: Wood, horn
Particularities: Intermediate form between parang ilang and langgai tinggang
Lists on the subject

The Jimpul even jimpul parang or mandau pasir called, is a sword of Kalimantan in Indonesia .


The Jimpul has a curved, single-edged blade. The cutting edge is on the convex side of the blade. The blade widens from the handle to the location . It can be provided with one or three hollow grinds that run just below the back of the blade. The place can be cut straight or rounded. The back of the blade is always shorter than the cutting edge.

The handle has no guard and is made of wood or horn . The booklet is wrapped with leather straps and carved overhanging nose-shaped in the knob area. The booklet can be decorated with carved decorations and tufts of hair.

The sheaths are made of wood, are in two parts, wide and wrapped with rattan cords for attachment. The scabbards are curved, often also covered with carved decorations and provided in the area of ​​the vagina mouth with a narrow extension that protrudes beyond the rest of the scabbard. They are made in the same way as the scabbards and booklets of the Mandau .

The Jimpul is modeled after the parang ilang and the langgai tinggang . It is widespread in Kalimantan among the Iban and Kenyah peoples .


  • Albert G. van Zonneveld: Traditional weapons of the Indonesian archipelago. C. Zwartenkot Art Books, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-5450-004-2 , p. 57 and fig. 164–167.

Web links

Commons : Swords from Indonesia  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
More picture examples

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert G. van Zonneveld: Traditional weapons of the Indonesian archipelago. C. Zwartenkot Art Books, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-5450-004-2 , p. 57.