Jin Huaidi

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Jin Huaidi (晉懷帝, Sima Zhi; * 284 ; † 313 ) was Chinese emperor from the Jin dynasty from 306 to 313 . He was a son of Emperor Jin Wudi .

The reign of his father and his was marked by an increasing weakness of the imperial central government. Foreign tribal groups and local rulers rose up against the emperor. In 311 the Xiongnu under Liu Cong attacked the imperial capital Luoyang . The city was conquered and plundered in what was considered a catastrophic event in Chinese sources: the first time an imperial capital was conquered by foreign invaders. Even the emperor was captured and taken to Pingyang . There he was treated well at first, but two years later he was murdered on Liu Cong's orders.


  • Otto Franke : History of the Chinese Empire. Volume 2. De Gruyter, Berlin / Leipzig 1936, p. 46 f.
  • David A. Graff: Medieval Chinese warfare, 300–900. Routledge, London et al. 2002, p. 49 f.
predecessor Office successor
Hui Emperor of China