Jingu qiguan

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Jingu qiguan ( Chinese  今古奇觀 ) is a collection of 40 Chinese narratives published before 1644, which in turn goes back to anthologies by Feng Menglong and Ling Mengchu .

Chinese title characters of Jingu qiguan.


History of origin

The preface to Jingu qiguan shows that a certain Baoweng Laoren (* 1619) put together the collection. The publication of the undated collection took place in the years 1632 to 1644, according to another source between 1640 (or a little earlier) and 1644. The title of the collection is: Jingu qiguan (pronunciation: dchingu tchigwan ) and means amazing things from the past and present .

Of the 40 stories ("sections") of Jingu qiguan, 39 come from three anthologies by Feng Menglong and two anthologies by Ling Mengchu. The origin of section 30 is unknown. The five anthologies each comprised 40 stories, so that the compiler could choose from 200 stories.

The three anthologies by Feng Menglong are summarized under the heading San yen ("Three Words"):

  • Wise Words to Teach the World / Yushi mingyan, ca.1620 (8).
  • Understandable words for admonishing the world / Jingshi tongyan, 1624 (10).
  • Eternal words to awaken the world / Xingshi hengyan, 1627 (11).

Ling Mengchu's underlying collections are:

  • Sensational stories / Paian jingqi, 1628 (8).
  • Second collection of sensational stories / Erke Paian jingqi, 1632 (3).


  • The number of stories that have been adopted into the Jingu qiguan is in brackets.
  • The German translation of the collection titles varies from author to author.

Work title

Instead of the pinyin inscription of the work title Jingu qiguan, which is used today, a. the following transliterations are common:

  • Chin-ku ch'i-kuan ( Wade-Giles inscription)
  • Kin-ku-ki-kuan,
  • Kin ku ki kwan,
  • Kin kou k'i kouan
  • Djin-gu tji-gwan

These work titles can vary through hyphenation or aggregation, upper / lower case, through the use of hyphens and, if necessary, by omitting the apostrophe, e.g. B. Instead of Jingu qiguan one also finds Jingu Qiguan, Jin Gu Qi Guan or Jinguqiguan or instead of Kin-ku-ki-kuan also Kin-Ku Ki-Kuan and Kin ku ki kuan.

German editions

Work title

The title is translated differently, u. a. as:

  • Strange things from old and new times
  • Paintings of new and old extraordinary things
  • New and old tales

Second translations

Title page by Du Haldes' Detailed Description of the Chinese Empire , Volume 3.

The first translation from the Jingu qiguan into a European language can be found in Volume 3 of the Description de la Chine published in 1735 by the French Jesuit Jean-Baptiste Du Halde (1674–1743). The translation of the four stories contained therein, nos. 20, 29–31, from Chinese was done by the Jesuit missionary to China, François-Xavier Dentrecolles (1664–1741).

In the years 1747 to 1756 Christoph Gottlieb von Murr (1733–1811) published a German translation of Du Halde's work in The Hague edition of 1736. Volume 3 of 1749 contains the four stories Nos. 20, 29–31, hence the first German version of stories from the Jingu qiguan.

In 1846, almost 100 years later, Adolf Böttger translated the English translation of the second part of the double novella No. 35 into German. Eduard Grisebach considered this translation to be “miserable beyond all terms”.

In 1873 Eduard Grisebach published a new translation of the novella "The Faithful Widow", which had already been transferred by Dentrecolles. While he describes the translation of Dentrecolles as "little more than a paraphrase", he uses the verbatim English translation by Samuel Birch (1813–1885) as a template . Grisebach also used the template by Samuel Birch for his later translation of other novellas.

List of stories

The following list contains the German and French translations of the titles. The French complete edition of the collection ( #Lanselle 1996 ) does not yet have a counterpart in German.

In the German translations, the prologues (or narrations) are often left out. An overview of the prologues translated by Franz Kuhn can be found in #Chang 1991 , pages 182-184. The stories in # Rösel 1984 have all been translated including the prologue.

Column legend 
No. Number of the section in Jingu qiguan.
German title After # Rösel 1984 , pages 687-692: German translation of the title. Original title in Chinese script: see #Cordier 1906 , column 1763–1769.
French title After #Lanselle 1996 : French translation of the title.
German translation After # Rösel 1984 , pages 687–692, and #Kuhn 1985 : German translation into Chinese, otherwise title of a post-translation.
  • Translations of # Rösel 1984 : The German title is identical to the title in the German title column .
  • Other translations: In addition to the translation, e.g. B. #Kuhn 1952 , the different title of the novella is given, e.g. B. The false bride .
No. German title French title German translation
1 How three officials of the highest rank resigned from their office and earned high honors. Les trois frères intègres et filiaux, en renonçant l'un pour l'autre à leur fortune, acquièrent un nom illustrious. # Rösel 1984 .
2 How two district leaders vied to marry an orphaned girl. Les deux magistrats, pour marier d'orpheline, rivalisent d'équité. # Rösel 1984 .
3 How District Chief Teng mysteriously distributed a family fortune. Par un habile subterfuge le magistrat Teng prononce sur une querelle d'héritage. #Kuhn 1985 , The Mysterious Picture .
4th How Mr. Pe, Duke of Djin, through righteousness regained his original bride. Par un mouvement magnanime, Pei, duc de Jin, restitue la fiançée. # Kühnel 1914 , The lovers separated and reunited .
5 How Miss Du Shi-niang angrily threw her jewel case into the water. You Shiniang en colère précipite dans les flots la cassette aux cent trésors. #Kuhn 1985 , The Foolish Buhle .
6th How the exiled Immortal Li intimidated the Man barbarians with a letter drafted in drunkenness. Li Zhexiang, dans son ivresse, compose la lettre qui jeta l'effroi parmi les barbaren. # Kühnel 1914 , The poet Li Tai-po .
7th How an oil peddler alone won the most beautiful of the flowers. Le marchand d'huile conquers seul la pure des fleurs. #Kuhn 1952 , oil peddler and flower queen .
8th How an old man met a fairy in the evening while watering his garden. Le vieil arroseur de jardin, sur le tard, rencontre l'immortelle. #Lin 1938 , The Flower Fool .
9 How a man luckily came across red Dungting oranges. Le nommé La Guigne saisit sa chance grâce aux mandarines de Dongting. # Rösel 1984 .
10 How a curmudgeon full of cunning adopted the son of the owner he had stolen from. The sinistre gardien de la fortune extorque un fils à sa propre victime. # Rösel 1984 .
11 How Wu Bau-an left his family to trigger his friend. Wu Bao'an délaisse sa famille pour sauver un ami. # Rösel 1984 .
12 How Yang Djüä-ai gave his life for his friend. Jang Jiao'ai fait don de sa vie pour secourir un proche. #Herzfeldt 1957 , Jang Djau-Ai sacrifices his life for friendship .
13 As Shen Hsiau-hsia found his father's "call to arms". Les mémoires de départ en campagne président à la rencontre que fit Shen Xiaoxia. # Rösel 1984 .
14th How the young Sung Djin mended the torn felt hat. Par un chapeau de feutre déchiré Song Jinlang retrouve son épouse. #Kuhn 1985 , Goldjunker Sung makes the torn felt hat whole again .
15th How the learned Mr. Lu invited a proud prince to wine and poetry. Lu Nan, lauréat du collège, sacrifiant au vin et à la poésie, manifesto son dédain pour les grands. #Strzoda 1922 , The Revenge of the Ji-hsian .
16 How Li, who later became Duke of Tjiän, encountered a knight errant in distress. Li, duc de Qian, jeté dans une situation extreme, est sauvé par un preux. #Rottauscher 1955 , Heaven helps those who walk the path of virtue .
17th How the beautiful Su Hsiau-meh tested her bridegroom three times. Su Xiaomei, par trois fois, met à l'épreuve son jeune époux. #Strzoda 1922 , The three wedding exams .
18th How old Liu Yuan-pu became the father of two civil servants' sons. Liu Yuanpu, par deux fois, engendre un digne fils. # Rösel 1984 .
19th How the musician Yü Po-ya smashed his lute to the floor to thank the friend who understood their tone. Yu Boya brise son luth en hommage à l'ami. # Kühnel 1914 , The Broken Lute or the Friend's Last Gift .
20th How the philosopher Dschuang Dsi happily drummed on a pot and reached the highest wisdom. Battant son écuelle, Zhuang Zixiu accède à la suprême voie. #Kuhn 1985 , Master Tschuang tse, using the earthen bucket as a drum, practices high magic .
21st How an old student repaid the supposed favor of his teacher up to the third generation. Le vieil écolier sur trois générations rend ses bienfaits. # Rösel 1984 .
22nd How a unlucky student suddenly found happiness. Au bachelier guignon, un beau matin, fortune sourit. # Rösel 1984 .
23 How Djiang Hsing-ko found his wife's pearl shirt several times. Comment Jiang Xingge recouvra la tunique de perles. #Kuhn 1985 , The Pearl Shirt .
24 How the censor Tschen wisely let hair arrows guide him. Par quel moyen subtle le censeur Chen prononça sur l'affaire des épingles d'or. #Kuhn 1952 , The golden hair arrows .
25th How an old servant, through righteous zeal, brought wealth to his master's widow. Mû par sa loyauté, le vieux serviteur des Xu établit la fortune de ses maîtres. # Rösel 1984 .
26th How Miss Tsai took revenge on her parents' murderers. Supportant sa honte, la fille des Cai accomplit sa vengeance. " #Rudelsberger 1914 , How Miss Tsai took revenge on the murderers of her parents .
27 How a wealthy student mistakenly married his boyfriend. Le bachelier Qian convole par accident en compagnie du phénix. # Kühnel 1914 , The husband's will again .
28 How Tjiau Prefect fixed the marriage register. Le préfet Qiao remanie à sa façon le registre des canards mandarins. #Kuhn 1952 , The False Bride .
29 How a servant charged false charges against his master out of secret resentment. Mû par son ressentiment, un méchant serviteur dénonce son maître. # Rösel 1984 .
30th How a pious daughter hid her son for the sake of her father's kindness. Animée par l'amour des siens, la bonne fille cache l'enfant. #Kuhn 1985 , A reverent daughter hides, for the sake of a kind father, the newborn parent .
31 How the oldest Lü made his family complete again by returning the money he found. Lü l'aîné restitue l'argent et retrouve les siens. # Rösel 1984 .
32 How Mrs. Djin Yü-nu had her callous husband given a beating. Jin Yunu fait thunder du bâton à un mari sans cœur. #Kuhn 1985 , The Beggar King's Daughter .
33 Like the famous Dr. Tang pretended to be wonderful. Tang le lauréat se joue du monde et l'étonne. #Kuhn 1952 , The illustrious Dr. Tang plays a wonderful comedy for those around him .
34 How a female student grafted new rice on a tree. La bachelière attache sa fleur à un autre rameau. #Kuhn 1985 , Miss Doctor grafts someone else's rice onto the flower branch .
35 How Miss Wang Djiau-luan satisfied her long-standing hatred. Wang Jiaoluan, dans son, nourrit un siècle de rancœur. # Kühnel 1914 , The Forsaken Beloved .
36 How a five-year-old was received in audience by the emperor. Wang le treizième, à cinq ans, paraît devant l'empereur. #Kuhn 1985 , Der kelien detective or: A five-year-old is received in audience by the Son of Heaven .
37 How an old official accidentally found a screen with a picture of a hibiscus bush. Les piquantes retrouvailles de Cui Junchen devant l'écran aux hibiscus. #Kuhn 1985 , The rose watercolor .
38 How a beautiful lady cunningly sent yellow mandarins as a gift. La Xianjun Zhao fait hypocritement porter des mandarines. #Kuhn 1985 , Dame Tschao Hsiän cunningly gives a dozen yellow mandarins as a present .
39 How alchemists, boasting of a miraculous method, got hold of gold. Vantant son art merveilleux, l'alchimiste s'empare de l'or. #Kuhn 1952 , The Alchemist .
40 How a bad guy for a lot of money wanted to become a civil servant. Tout imbu de son argent, l'homme du peuple revêt les insignes de mandarin. # Rösel 1984 .


  • François-Xavier Dentrecolles (translation): [Four stories from the Jingu qiguan]. In: Jean-Baptiste Du Halde: Description geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise, enrichie des cartes générales et particulieres de ces pays, de la carte générale et des cartes particulieres du Thibet, & de la Corée; & ornée d'un grand nombre de figures & de vignettes gravées en tailledouce , 4 volumes, Paris: JB Mercier 1735, volume 3, pages 292–341 [2] .
  • François-Xavier Dentrecolles (translation): [Four stories from the Jingu qiguan]. In: Jean-Baptiste Du Halde: Description geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise, enrichie des cartes générales et particulieres de ces pays, de la carte générale et des cartes particulieres du Thibet, & de la Corée; & ornée d'un grand nombre de figures & de vignettes gravées en tailledouce , 4 volumes, La Haye: Henri Scheurleer 1736, volume 3, pages 362–416 [3] (PDF; 43.3 MB).
  • Rainier Lanselle (translation): "Spectacles curieux dahjourdhui et dautrefois: Contes chinois des Ming / text traduit; présenté et annoté par Rainier Lanselle", Bibliothèque de la Pléiade 430, Paris: Gallimard, 1996.
  • Christoph Gottlieb von Murr (translation): [Four stories from the Jingu qiguan]. In: Jean-Baptiste Du Halde: Detailed description of the Chinese Empire and the great tartarey. Translated from French with diligence, along with many coppers. With a preface to the chronology and literature of the Chinese. [Translated by Christoph Gottlieb von Murr] , 4 volumes, Volume 3, Rostock: Koppe, 1749, pages 374–418. - Translation of the edition #Dentrecolles 1736 .
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Becker (translation): Chinese stories. Edited by Abel Remusat and communicated in German by [Gottfried Wilhelm Becke] r , 3 volumes, Leipzig: Ponthieu, Michelsen & Comp. 1827.
  • Adolf Böttger (translation): Wang Keaou Lwan pih neen chang han or the bloody revenge of the young woman. Chinese narrative. Translated from the edition by Sloth [Robert Thom] published in Canton 1839 , Leipzig: Wilhelm Jurany 1846. - 111 pages.

Eduard Grisebach

  • Eduard Grisebach: The faithless widow . In: The faithless widow, a Chinese novella and her journey through world literature , Vienna: Rosner 1873, pages 1–36. - 137 pages, 16 cm.
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation): Kin-ku-ki-kuan. New and old novellas of the Chinese 1001 Nights , Stuttgart: Kröner 1880. - 145 pages, Fraktur .
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation): Chinese short stories. The strange lover. The jewel box. German with a bibliographical note by Eduard Grisebach , Leipzig: Thiel 1884. - 121 pages, small octave.
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation): Chinese short stories. The strange lover. The jewel box. German, with a bibliographical note by Eduard Grisebach , Berlin: Lehmann 1886. - 121 pages, 14.5 cm, vignettes.
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation): Kin-ku-ki-kuan. Chinese short story book. German by Eduard Grisebach , Stuttgart: Cotta 1887; Berlin, Lehmann 1887. - XV, 146 pages, 15.8 cm, identical to #Grisebach 1880 , supplemented by the section: On the bibliography of "Kin-ku-ki-kuan" in general , pages 145–146.
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation); Flora Pályi (illustration): Kin-Ku-Ki-Kuan. The eternal vengeance of Miss Wang-Kiau-Luan. Translated by Eduard Grisebach with pen drawings by Flora Pályi , series: Der Liebesgarten 2, Munich: Musarion 1920. - 126 pages, 1 sheet.
  • Jan Tschichold (editor); Eduard Grisebach (translation): Chinese novel book. German by Eduard Grisebach, [edited and reviewed by Jan Tschichold] , Birkhäuser Collection 5, Basel: Birkhäuser [1945]. - 228 pages, 18 cm.
  • Eduard Grisebach (translation); Fritz Schoppe (illustration): Chinese short stories. Translated into German by Eduard Grisebach , 3rd revised edition, Bremen-Horn, Dorn [1947]. - 127 pages, octave, vignettes by Fritz Schoppe.
  • Jan Tschichold (editor); Eduard Grisebach (translation): Chinese novel book. Edited by Jan Tschichold. From the Chinese by Eduard Grisebach , series: Diogenes-Taschenbuch, detebe-Klassiker 21177, [Zurich]: Diogenes 1984, ISBN 3257211775 . - 226 pages, 18 cm, partial edition of #Grisebach 1945 .

Johanna Herzfeldt

  • Johanna Herzfeldt (translation); Gerhard Vontra (illustration): The Chinese decameron. From the Chinese by Johanna Herzfeldt , Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag 1957, partial edition. - 345 pages, 19.5 cm.
  • The Chinese Decameron , Frankfurt am Main: Gutenberg Book Guild 1963, partial edition. - 363 pages, 20.5 cm, equipment, linen cover with woodcut and 11 woodcuts in the text by Wiltraud Jasper .
  • Johanna Herzfeldt (translation); Horst Hausotte (illustration): The Chinese decameron. Translated from the Chinese by Johanna Herzfeldt. With 22 illustrations by Horst Hausotte , partial edition, 3rd edition, Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag 1968. - 289 pages, octave.
  • Johanna Herzfeldt (translation); Mehrdad Zaeri (illustration): The Chinese decameron. Translated by Johanna Herzfeldt. With pictures by Mehrdad Zaeri , 1 edition, Frankfurt am Main: Büchergilde Gutenberg 2008, new edition by #Herzfeldt 1957 , ISBN 9783940111463 . - 292 pages, 25 cm, limited special edition with an original graphic by Mehrdad Zaeri.

Franz Kuhn

  • Franz Kuhn (translation): The pearl shirt. [Kin-Ku-Ki-Kuan, excerpt, German]. A Chinese love story. Translated from the original Chinese text by Franz Kuhn , Insel-Bücherei 216, Wiesbaden: Insel 1951. - 49 pages, octave.
  • Franz Kuhn (translation): Kin ku ki kwan. Wonderful stories from old and new times. Translated from the Chinese by Franz Kuhn , Manesse Library of World Literature, Zurich: Manesse 1952, partial edition, ISBN 3717512226 . - 471 pages, 15.3 cm, illustrated, thin print edition, linen.
  • Franz Kuhn (translation): Goldjunker Sung and other short stories from the Kin Ku Ki Kwan. German by Franz Kuhn , Manesse Library of World Literature, Zurich: Manesse 1960, partial edition. - 368 pages, small octave.
  • Franz Kuhn (translation); Venčeslava Hrdličkovà (editor): Old Chinese short stories. Transferred from Franz Kuhn. Published by Věnceslava Hrdličkovà , Insel-Taschenbuch 848, Leipzig: Insel 1979. - 887 pages, 20 cm.
  • Franz Kuhn (translation); Venčeslava Hrdličkovà (editor): Chinese short stories. Transferred from Franz Kuhn. With an afterword and notes edited by Věnceslava Hrdličkovà , Insel-Taschenbuch 848, Frankfurt am Main: Insel 1985, ISBN 3-458-32548-4 . - 627 pages, 17.6 cm, reprint of #Kuhn 1979 .


  • Novellas from the Kin-ku-ki-kuan , Munich: Müller 1924. - 239 pages, Fraktur.
  • Goldjunker Jung ia novellas from Kin Ku Ki Kuan , [Zurich]: Mauerse [1960]. - 368 pages.
  • Thomas R. Sloth; Adolf Böttger (translation): Wang Keaou Lwan pih neen chang han or the bloody revenge of the young woman. Chinese narrative. Translated from the edition by Sloth published in Canton 1839 , Leipzig: Wilhelm Jurany 1846. - 111 pages.
  • Tsiu-sen Lin: Chinese Legends. From the Chinese. From Lin Tsiu-Sen. With four collotype prints after Chinese paintings from the 17th century , Berlin: Metzner 1938. - 11 sheets, 4 plates, large folio.
  • Vincenz Hundhausen: The oil dealer and the joy girl. A Chinese story in five songs , Leipzig 1928.
  • Paul Kühnel: The mysterious picture and other things. Three short stories translated from Chinese by P. Kühnel , Berlin: Steinitz, 1902. - 191 pages.
  • Paul Kühnel: Chinese short stories. German by Paul Kühnel , masterpieces of oriental literatures , second volume, Munich: Georg Müller, 1914. - 368 pages.
  • Gottfried Rösel (translation): Old Chinese stories: from the "Djin-gu-tji-gwan" , Zurich: Manesse 1984, ISBN 3-7175-8035-3 . - 691 pages, 17.3 cm.
  • Anna von Rottauscher (translation): The strange wedding trip. [Kin-Ku-Ki-Kuan, excerpt, German]. Two ancient Chinese short stories. Transferred from the original texts by Anna von Rottauscher. With three Chinese miniatures , Wiener Bücherei 14, Vienna: Frick [1941]. - 77 pages, octave.
  • Anna von Rottauscher: Heaven will help those who walk the path of virtue . In: will- o'-the-wisps and dawn. Five Chinese stories with six color illustrations. Translated from Chinese into German by Anna von Rottauscher , Zurich: Die Waage 1955, pp. 37–85. - 132 pages, 18.5 cm.
  • Hans Rudelsberger: Chinese short stories. Transferred from the original text by H. Rudelsberger , Volume 2, Leipzig: Insel, 1914.
  • Walter Strzoda (translation): The oil dealer and the flower queen. [Story from the Chinese collection of novels "Djin-Gu Tji-Guan"]. [Transferred from the Chinese original by Walter Strzoda] , series: Dichtungen des Ostens, Munich: Hyperion 1920. - 176 pages.
  • Walter Strzoda (translation): The yellow oranges of Princess Jaw. From the original Chinese text by Walter Strzoda. [Cover and title frame drawn by Emil Preetorius] , Munich: Hyperion 1922. - 292 pages, small octave.


Note: The titles in the Editions section usually contain an introduction or an epilogue with sometimes detailed explanations of the Jingu qiguan.


  • Wolfgang Bauer: Baoweng Laoren. Jingu qiguan . In: Walter Jens (editor): Kindlers new literature lexicon , Volume 2, Munich 1989, pages 199-200.
  • Antoine Bazin: Des contes et des nouvelles . In: L'univers: histoire et description de tous les peuples. Chine modern ou Description historique, geographique et littéraire de ce vaste empire, d'après des documents chinois , Paris 1853, pages 552–554 [4] .
  • Daria Berg (Editor): Reading China. Fiction, History and the Dynamics of Discourse. Essays in honor of professor Glen Dudbridge , Leiden 2007, pp. 6, 15, 25-28, 30-31.
  • Peng Chang: Modernization and Europeanization of the classical Chinese prose poetry. Studies on the translation work by Franz Kuhn (1884-1961) , Frankfurt am Main 1991, pages 11-13, 17, 19-20. - Review: #Nieper 1993 .
  • Eduard Grisebach: The journey of the novella from the faithless widow through world literature. Second edition , enlarged with an appendix , Berlin: Lehmann 1889.
  • Jean E. Kern: The individual and society in the Chinese colloquial short story. The Chin-ku ch'i-kuan , Indiana University Dissertation, Bloomington, Indiana 1974.
  • Volker Klöpsch (editor); Eva Müller (editor), Ruth Keen (collaboration): Lexicon of Chinese Literature , Munich, Beck 2004, pp. 139–140 [5] .
  • Monika Motsch: The Chinese story: from ancient times to modern times . In: Wolfgang Kubin (editor): History of Chinese Literature , Volume 3, Berlin 2003, pages 133–210, especially 166–167.
  • Kai Nieper: #Chang 1991 , review. In: Oriens Extremus. Journal for language, art and culture of the countries of the Far East 36.1993, pages 123–126.
  • Paul Pelliot: Le Kin kou k'i kouan . In: T'oung Pao 24.1925-1926, pages 54-60, JSTOR: [6] .
  • Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer: "History of Chinese literature: the 3000 year development of the poetic, narrative and philosophical-religious literature of China from the beginning to the present", Bern 1990, pages 412-421, especially 420.
  • A. Waley: Notes on the history of Chinese popular literature . In: T'oung Pao 28.1931, pages 346-354, 2. The Chin Kiu Ch'i Kuan : page 350, JSTOR: [7] .
  • Yenna Wu: "Vernacular Stories". In: Victor H. Mair (editor): "The Columbia history of Chinese literature", New York 2001, pp. 595-619.
  • Lu Xun: Imitations of vernacular song stories from the Ming Dynasty . In: Lu Xun: Brief history of Chinese novel poetry = Zhong guo xiao shuo shi lüe , Beijing 1981, pages 266-278.


  • Wolf Baus: Ling Mengchu . In: # Klöpsch 2004 , pages 181-182 [8] .
  • Hans Henning: Eduard Grisebach in his life and work: On his 60th birthday on October 9, 1905 , Berlin 1905, pages 41-48.
  • Hatto Kuhn: "Dr. Franz Kuhn (1884–1961). Biography and bibliography of his works. With an appendix of unpublished writings. Edited by Hatto Kuhn. With the collaboration of Martin Grimm. Foreword by Herbert Franke", Wiesbaden 1980.
  • Eva Müller: Feng Menglong . In: # Klöpsch 2004 , pages 91-92 [9] .
  • Thomas Zimmer: Feng Menglong . In: Marc Hermann: Biographical Handbook of Chinese Writers: Life and Works . In: Wolfgang Kubin (editor): History of Chinese Literature , Volume 9, Berlin 2011, pages 59–61.


  • Holdings of the Richard Wilhelm Translation Center (until 1998) , only online: [10] (PDF; 5.0 MB).
  • Henri Cordier: Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois: Bibliotheca Sinica , Volume 3, Paris 1906–1907, Column 1761–1769 [11] .
  • Henri Cordier: Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois: Bibliotheca Sinica , Volume 4, Paris 1907, Column 3161 [12] .
  • Henri Cordier: Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois: Bibliotheca Sinica. Supplément et Index , Paris 1922, reprint Hildesheim 1971, columns 3935-3936.
  • Eduard Grisebach: Weltlitteratur-Katalog: With literary and bibliographical notes , Berlin 1905 [13] (PDF; 23.7 MB).

Web links

Commons : Jingu qiguan  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. #Lanselle 1996 , page XXXIV; #Pelliot 1925 , page 57. - The name of the compiler is a pseudonym . Pinyin inscription: Baoweng Laoren, Wade-Giles inscription: Pao weng lao jen. The real name is not known. For Baoweng's date of birth: see WorldCat Identities [1]
  2. #Pelliot 1925 , page 60.
  3. #Lanselle 1996 , page XXXIV.
  4. Translation by #Motsch 2003 , page 166. Example for other translations: New and old strange tales ( #Xun 1981 , page 278), Miraculous stories from ancient and modern times ( #Kuhn 1985 , page 606), New and old strange events ( # Rösel 1984 , page 647).
  5. #Zimmer 2011 , page 60, # Klöpsch 2004 , page 139, #Motsch 2003 , page 163, # Müller 2004 , page 91.
  6. ^ # Klöpsch 2004 , page 139, #Motsch 2003 , page 166, # Müller 2004 , page 181.
  7. Eduard Grisebach.
  8. Franz Kuhn.
  9. #Cordier 1906 .
  10. # Rösel 1984 .
  11. #Bauer 1989 , page 199th
  12. #Grisebach 1905 , page 18.
  13. #Grisebach 1880 , page XII.
  14. See: fr: Jean-Baptiste Du Halde (French Wikipedia).
  15. #Dentrecolles 1735 . See also: François-Xavier Dentrecolles (French Wikipedia).
  16. #Dentrecolles 1736 .
  17. # Böttger 1846 .
  18. #Grisebach 1905 , page 20.
  19. English Wikipedia: en: Samuel Birch . According to Grisebach, its translation was an "interlinear version" of the original ( #Grisebach 1889 , page 20).
  20. #Chang 1991 , page 11: “Ten years later [after 1736] a German edition by Christoph Gottlieb von Murr followed”.
  21. #Grisebach 1889 , page 19.
  22. # Klöpsch 2004 , page 140: “Originally. Altchin. Novellem, Lpz. 1919 ".
  23. Access authorization required.
  24. Access authorization required.