Ling Mengchu

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Ling Mengchu

Ling Mengchu ( Chinese  凌 濛 初 , Pinyin Líng Méngchū ; * 1580 ; † 1644 ) was a Chinese poet of the Ming dynasty , who was best known for his short stories.


Líng was born in 1580, according to other sources in 1584, as the son of a publisher in Wuxing ( Zhejiang Province ). After numerous attempts, he barely passed the state examination in 1631 and was employed as deputy district chairman of the then still very small Shanghai , where he a. a. was entrusted with fighting Japanese pirates . He later became a board member of Huzhou Prefecture and dealt with river regulation on Huang He . Ling was killed in an attack by rebels on the prefecture in 1644.


His main work is the 78-story collection Pai'an Jingqi ( Strike the table with amazement at the unusual ) from 1628/1632. Similar to Feng Menglong's Sanyan cycle , Ling's novellas are predominantly erotic in content, and even tend to depict fornication and depravity in a more drastic way. In keeping with Confucian morality, however, the perpetrators regularly face severe punishment in the end.


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