Jochem Fleischer

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Jochem Fleischer

Jochem Burkhard Fleischer (born December 17, 1937 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ; † April 1, 2013 in Berlin ) was a German physicist and professor in Bielefeld . At first he worked on core theoretical topics and later mainly in the areas of theoretical elementary particle physics and quantum field theory .

Origin and life

Jochem Fleischer's father was the economist Adolf Martin Karl Fleischer. The father was the director of a gold beating in Berlin-Charlottenburg, where Jochem Fleischer was born. He grew up in Bremen , where he also passed his Abitur.

Study and training

Fleischer studied physics at the University of Saarland , where he in 1967 with the theme "On the scattering of relativistic electrons in the Coulomb" doctorate .

Activity as a scientist

Fleischer was March 15, 1967 to March 31, 1969 post-doctoral researcher at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, from 1 April 1969 to 30 September 1971 at the University of Karlsruhe and then with a one-year DAAD scholarship at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the USA, before joining the Faculty of Physics at Bielefeld University in 1973 with a habilitation grant from the German Research Foundation . After completing his habilitation , he was a lecturer in Bielefeld and was appointed professor there in 1981. He developed computer algebraic methods for his calculations . After his retirement in 2003, Jochem Fleischer continued his research at DESY Zeuthen near Berlin.

Jochem Fleischer was a specialist in the calculation of complicated Feynman diagrams , which are an integral component in the perturbation-theoretical calculation of decay widths and scattering cross-sections at particle accelerators. Fleischer's list of publications contains over 100 entries.

The research focused particularly on the following areas:

  • Computation of higher order loop corrections for selected observables in the standard model of elementary particle physics
  • Development of new analytical methods and tensor reduction techniques for n-point single-loop integrals as well as for 2- and 3-point two-loop integrals with any kinematics
  • Formulation and applications of the Mellin-Barnes approach to Feynman integrals

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Scientific Publications Professor Dr. Burkhard Jochem Fleischer. (PDF), accessed on January 22, 2020 (English).
  2. ^ Saarland University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, dissertation from June 30, 1966 ; Website accessed on January 22, 2020
  3. ; Website accessed on January 22, 2020
  4. ; Website accessed on January 22, 2020