Jochim Klindt

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Jochim Klindt (born November 10, 1795 in Fiefbergen , † July 16, 1887 in Ahrensburg ) was a German teacher.


Jochim Klindt was a son of the tailor Hinrich Klindt (born December 23, 1763 in Schönberg ; † May 30, 1823) and his wife Abel, née Wiese (baptized February 9, 1769 in Schönberg; † November 4, 1830 in Fiefbergen). The maternal grandfather was Kätner Görs Wiese. The Klindt family was one in the provost living family of Kätnern .

Klindt initially went to school in Fiefbergen. At the age of thirteen he switched to Schoenberg's teacher and organist. This prepared him for an apprenticeship. From 1812 to 1814 he attended the teachers' college in Kiel. Then he worked as a private tutor in Tönning and Trittau . His relative and teacher Claus Untiedt found him a job in 1817 as an assistant teacher at the school in Woldenhorn . Untied ended his teaching activity in 1820. Klindt then took over his position as teacher, sexton and organist.

On December 26, 1824, Klindt married Henriette Charlotte Kersten. He had met his wife while teaching in Tönning, just as her father worked as a wine merchant. The couple had a total of ten children. Four of them died early, five daughters and one son reached adulthood.

In 1848 Klindt decided to give up all offices due to a larynx disease that made it difficult for him to speak. He then worked as an accounting officer and cashier for the Ahrensburg estate . He also gave private lessons and took boarders. The new teachers' seminar in Segeberg offered him an apprenticeship position in 1839, which he refused.

In the Ahrensburg population, a large number of people worked as kätner, for whom Klindt was looking for opportunities to work on the side. From 1822 he taught the weaving of straw hats and the independent preparation of the necessary materials. For this he traveled repeatedly to the Prussian province of Saxony. The home industry thus built existed for several decades.

Klindt advocated setting up a savings and loan fund in Ahrensburg , which was founded in 1846 and which he himself managed as managing director.


From the 1820s onwards, Klindt wrote several textbooks that were intended for language and arithmetic lessons in rural schools. He was particularly interested in arithmetic, which students should use to practice logical thinking. In 1826 he wrote the "materials for language teaching" and in 1838/39 a three-volume "arithmetic book for elementary schools". Both works appeared repeatedly in large editions until the 1850s and were often used for teaching. Johann Barthold Sass wrote an even more popular successor to the arithmetic book .


  • Dieter Lohmeyer: Klindt, Jochim . In: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Volume 10. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1994, pp. 205-207.