Joe Koinzer

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Joachim "Joe" Koinzer (born November 17, 1949 in Baden-Baden ) is a German percussionist and jazz musician .


Koinzer studied percussion and drums at the Karlsruhe University of Music and completed additional training at the “ Swiss Jazz School ” in Bern . He also played in the jazz rock band Brainstorm , but also in the “Jazz Nova Ensemble” at Südwestfunk and “Gruppe 13”. In 1974 he founded the band “Open Music”, but also recorded with Herbert Joos , the group “Orexis”, with “Part of Art” and with “Südpool”. He continued to play with Peter Giger's “Family of Percussion”, with Büdi Siebert and with René Bardet's group “Poesie und Musik”, which received the 1983 German Record Critics' Prize. He performed at the Donaueschinger Musiktage in 1984 and appeared on more than 100 albums.

Koinzer was for many years artistic director of the Baden-Baden “Workshops for Popular Music” and for several semesters course director for jazz and rhythm at the Freiburg University of Music . He is a lecturer in rhythm and percussion at the degree course for professional musicians at the Freiburg Jazz and Rock School and has written the textbook series “Percussion, Percussion”. He also writes music for films, radio plays and television. Koinzer was awarded the Terre des hommes Children's Radio Play Music Prize .
