Johann Anton Tillier (councilor, 1528)

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Johann Anton Tillier (II.) (* 1528 in Bern , † 1598 in Bern) was a Swiss politician.

Johann Anton Tillier came from the Bernese patrician family Tillier . In 1555 he became a member of the Bernese Grand Council , 1556 sixteen and mayor of Burgdorf , 1560 builder, between 1564 and 1579 temporary witness, 1562 to 1567 governor of the Pays de Gex , 1568 to 1589 Kleinrat, between 1568 and 1592 Heimlicher, 1576 Böspfenniger and in from 1579 to 1589 Welschseckelmeister.


  • Bernhard von Rodt: Genealogies of civil sexes of the city of Bern , Volume 5, Burgerbibliothek Bern, Mss.hh 9.5, p. 271f.
  • Scattered stocks in the Bern Burger Library


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