Johann Aretin August Eggert

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Johann Aretin August Eggert († 1836 ) was a Prussian mountain official.


Eggert attended high school in Eisleben in 1782 and later entered the service of the Electoral Saxon, from 1806 royal Saxon mining office in Eisleben in the former county of Mansfeld . In 1805 he is referred to as a mountain judge and mountain clerk at the Bergamt and the Bergamt expedition in Eisleben. As a result, he rose to the ridge. After the former county of Mansfeld, with the exception of the two offices of Artern and Bornstedt, fell to the Kingdom of Westphalia , Eggert stayed in Eisleben and took the oath of service to the King of Westphalia. Even when times changed again after the Battle of Leipzig, Eggert remained in service. However, he changed his place of employment from Eisleben to Halle, where he was appointed Oberbergrat at the Prussian Oberbergamt Halle . From 1816 he also took on the role of Bergvogt in Halle in Thuringia after the royal Saxon bearer of this service function, Oberzehnter Ziegenhorn, died in Sangerhausen at the beginning of 1815 and the Bergvogt position had to be administered on an interim basis. In 1827 the Bergvogtei Thuringia was released and Eggert was relieved. Due to the resignation of this secondary office, however, he received less income, whereupon he submitted a request for financial compensation.

In 1836 he had to be given leave of absence due to his old age and increasing illness. A short time later he passed away.

Friedrich Koenig , the inventor of the high-speed press, was one of his friends from his youth .

His son Aretin Theodor Eggert followed in his father's footsteps. After attending the Pforta state school , he became a mountain judge in Eisleben. At the same time he worked as a parimonial judge . On April 1, 1849, he was appointed lawyer and notary at the Eisleben district court.


  • Jens Heckl : The Prussian mountain, ironworks and saltworks administration 1763-1865. The holdings of the Oberbergamt Halle in the State Archive of Saxony-Anhalt , Volume 4, p. 2058.
  • Rudolf Mirsch: Personalities of the Mansfeld mining and metallurgy industry . In: Announcements 126 of the Mansfeld Miners and Huts Association e. V., 6/2013.

Individual evidence

  1. Churfürstlich-Sächsischer Hof- und Staatscalender , 1805, p. 119.
  2. ^ Jens Heckl : The Prussian mountain, smelter and salt works administration 1763-1865. The holdings of the Oberbergamt Halle in the State Archive of Saxony-Anhalt , Volume 3, p. 1250.