Johann Balthasar Erben

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Johann Balthasar Erben (* 1626 in Danzig ; † 1686 ) was a German conductor and composer .


Balthasar Erben was born the son of a loading company. According to Johann Mattheson , he taught music to the only slightly younger Christoph Bernhard . In 1652 he applied unsuccessfully for the position of Kapellmeister at the Marienkirche . However, the city council of Gdansk financed a multi-year trip to expand his education. First he spent several weeks at the Reichstag in Regensburg , where he met Johann Jacob Froberger . Further stops on his journey were Nuremberg, Würzburg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Antwerp, Brussels, France and Italy. In 1658 he again applied for the position of Kapellmeister at St. Mary's Church, which had become vacant when Kaspar Förster left . On February 14, he was introduced to the office, which he held until his death in 1686. Erben was married twice.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Kessler : Danzig Church Music . Hänssler-Verlag 1973
predecessor Office successor
Kaspar Förster the Younger Kapellmeister of the Marienkirche in Danzig
Johann Valentin Meder