Johann Baptist Pahr

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Johann Baptist (Hans) Pahr († after 1586, probably in Sweden) was a German builder.

Live and act

Pahr was the son of parents who were not known by name. His younger brothers were Christoph Pahr , Dominicus Pahr , Jakob and Franziskus Pahr . From 1547 to 1558 he probably worked as a bricklayer for his father in Brzeg . In 1558 he followed a call from Johann Albrecht I to Schwerin. Here he is first mentioned by name on November 6, 1558, when a Hans Pahr received payment for his service in Schwerin. At that time, Pahr was still working under the master builder Francesco a Bornau. From 1560 onwards, he was the court architect for Johann Albrecht, in charge of the construction of the fortresses and extensions and conversions of the Schwerin Palace . In doing so, he orientated himself on previous buildings from Saxony. He drew up the plans for the Protestant chapel and other living rooms in the "house above the castle kitchen", which were built from 1560 to 1563 and which were still being built in 1567. In 1570 its appointment was renewed for three more years. After Pahr's departure in 1571, Christoph Haubitz was his successor. Christoph Pahr, who was previously employed as a stonemason and image cutter, took over his position as a master builder in Mecklenburg in 1574.

In 1572 Pahr went to Johannes III as court architect for half a year . At the beginning of his service, he took over the management of the construction work on the fortifications and residential buildings of the Kalmar and Borgholm castles. He drew up the plans for the new construction of the Borgholm Palace, the implementation of which he only briefly managed and then handed over to his brother Dominicus, whom he himself had proposed as construction manager. During his construction project in Kalmar, a fortification wall collapsed twice; the construction progress on the castle was rather slow. During this time, work began on the "house with the ladies' rooms", the summer houses on the ramparts and the outer main gate. Pahr fell out of favor with the king and left Kalmar in 1574. In 1577 the king reappointed him as the fortress builder of Aelvsborg . In 1581 he worked for Duke Ulrich in Mecklenburg, but his work was criticized as inadequate, so that he had to reimburse the wages received. In 1586 he probably worked under the name "Hans Pâer" in Kexholm and probably died a little later.

Coat of arms, origin, family

The coat of arms of the master builder family also consisted of a horizontally split shield with an eagle in the upper half. The lower half was divided by three sloping beams. On the left were three structures that were interpreted as beet-like plants, howitzers or burning hearts. These two elements, "the eagle and the diagonal division" can also be found in the coat of arms of the Austrian aristocratic family, Paar, who originally came from Italy. This led to the assumption that the builders working in Mecklenburg were also originally of Italian origin and could come from the same region. The family lived in Austria as early as the 15th century, where the brothers were born. They received a German upbringing and training before they entered the service of the Mecklenburg dukes.

During their work as a builder in the mid-16th century, there was an Italian family of artists called Bavor, who came from Milan. A Jacob Bavor (also spelled Bahr, Fahr, Baar, Boer) is named here, who was the princely palace builder in Brieg in 1547 and died in 1575. The builders Georg and Hans Bavor or Parr can be found in his relationship, so that people from one family could possibly be meant here. Possibly Jacob Bahr in Brieg was the father and Jacob Pahr in Mecklenburg the son of the same name, because both names can be found in separate entries for Jacob on March 11, 1566 (Brieg) and on March 12, 1566 (Rostock).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Paul Theodor Sarre: Johann Baptista Parr . In: Contributions to Mecklenburg art history . Trowitzsch and Son, Leipzig 1890, p. 87 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ): “30 th. Hans Pahr given the contract to Schwerin by the French builder "
  2. ^ A b Friedrich Paul Theodor Sarre : Parr, Johann Baptista, Franz, * Jacob and Christoph (4 brothers) . In: Contributions to Mecklenburg art history . Trowitzsch and Son, Leipzig 1890, artist and master craftsman in Mecklenburg from 1550–1600, p. 84–86 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  3. ^ Ludwig Burgemeister : Bahr (Boer), Hans . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 2 : Antonio da Monza-Bassan . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1908, p. 362–363 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - Brother Jakobs, perhaps identical to Johann Baptista Parr, who worked on the palace buildings in Schwerin and Güstrow from 1555–1575 ... then Jakob Bahr (Baar, Bavor, Bavaro, Pahr, Pawer, Parr) died August 15, 1575).