Johann Baptist Weiganmeir

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Johann Baptist Weiganmeir in the Tübingen Professorengalerie

Johann Baptist Weiganmeir (born July 13, 1587 in Tübingen ; † November 13, 1629 ibid) was a German philologist , dean of the philosophical faculty and president of the University of Tübingen .


Johann Baptist Weiganmeir was 1613-1629 professor of Greek and Latin as well as logic in Tübingen. 1626–1629 he was a pedagogue architect ob der Steig . His portrait, painted in 1620, hangs in the Tübingen professors' gallery .

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhold Scholl: The portrait collection of the University of Tübingen, 1477 to 1927. Writings of the Verein für Württembergische Familienkunde, volume 2, published by K. Ad. Emil Müller, Stuttgart, 1927.
  2. entry Johann Baptist Weiganmeir on Tobias image.