Johann Brandes (Mayor)

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Epitaph for Johannes Brandes and his wife Dorothea

Johann Brandes (born January 29, 1503 in Danzig ; † April 28, 1577 there ) was a German mayor. Under his leadership, Danzig became a Protestant city.

Johannes Brandes was a son of Dethard Brandes († 1528) and his wife Dorothea (1481–1513), daughter of the Gdansk mayor Matthias Zimmermann. He became councilor in 1538 and ten years later mayor of Gdansk. In 1556/1557, as leader of the Danzig legation at the Reichstag in Warsaw, he obtained the approval of the distribution of the Lord's Supper in both forms for his city. In 1567 Danzig received religious privileges under his leadership. Against the resistance of Cardinal Stanislaus Hosius , Danzig became Protestant.

Johann Brandes was married to Dorothea Scheper (1516–1578). He was buried in the Marienkirche in Gdańsk .
