Johann David Reinwald

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Johann David Reinwald (baptized September 4, 1746 in Berlin - December 30, 1813 there ) was a German theater actor .


Johann David Reinwald was baptized in Berlin on September 4, 1746 as the son of the whalebone rock maker Johann Martin Reinwald from Torgau, who died two months earlier, and his wife Anna Sophia Wreden.

Reinwald took the stage for the first time at the Barzantische Gesellschaft in Küstrin as "George Barnwell" in the Kaufmann von London . He left them in 1775 and came to Berlin, where he made his debut as "Tripp" in Die POWs . Here he stayed until his death.

Reinwald preferred to play comic roles and knew how to win the favor of the Berlin public with them, although he brought little variety to his comedy and often appeared unsympathetic with his rasping voice. His repertoire included B. The councilman Klaus in August von Kotzebue's comedy Die Deutschen Kleinstädter and Truffaldino in Carlo Goldoni's comedy The Servant of Two Masters . In Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's tragedy Emilia Galotti , he played the role of Angelo.

He was married to the actress Caroline Albertine Sommer (1753-1814).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Databases Berliner Klassik, Nationaltheater
  2. Caroline Albertine Reinwald in the Bavarian Musicians' Lexicon Online (BMLO)Template: BMLO / maintenance / use of parameter 2