Johann Eyerschöttel

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Johann Eyerschöttel , also Aierschettel or Ayer Schettel (* 1640 ; † late October / early November 1702 ) was a painter who worked in Husum .


Johann Eyerschöttel was a son of the painter Christof Eyerschöttel, who immigrated to Husum from Nuremberg in 1655 . He mainly worked for the Duchess Maria Elisabeth of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , in whose accounting works from 1667 to 1677 he is often documented. Receipts from his hand are in the state archive in Schleswig. In 1677 he also delivered two paintings to the Quedlinburg abbess Princess Anna Dorothea , which have been verified by payment transactions. Eyerschöttel lived in Husum without being a citizen of the city. An altarpiece with the Lord's Supper in the church of Bau was handed down , but it was burned. Eyerschöttel was the first teacher of the Danish court painter Hinrich Krock .


He married Margarete Seckmanns (Seekmann) on October 18, 1671. The son Johann Christof Eyerschöttel (1674– after 1732) also became a painter in Husum.


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