Johann Friedrich Falckenhagen

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Johann Friedrich Falckenhagen (also Falkenhagen ; * 1752 ; † May 11, 1823 in Berlin ) was a German organ builder in Berlin.

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The father David Falckenhagen was a master carpenter in Stargard in Pomerania . Friedrich Falckenhagen worked for the organ builder Ernst Marx in Berlin and married his daughter Catharina Dorothea Elisabeth on May 16, 1786 in the Sophienkirche.

In 1789 he made an offer for the repair of the organ in the Marienkirche in Bernau on behalf of Marx . However, the city's approval was given to Johann Simon Buchholz , who had just started his own business and had also worked for Marx up to then. In 1800 Falckenberg carried out a comprehensive downsizing ( simplification ) of the Wagner organ in the Marienkirche in Berlin. At the suggestion of Georg Joseph Vogler , he removed 1001 of 2556 pipes and reduced the registers from 40 to 27. In 1808, he carried out repairs on the Wagner organ in the Parochial Church .

His address was Kleiner Jüdenhof 3 in Berlin-Mitte in 1820 and 1823, as an instrument maker . He died on May 11th of that year and was buried in the cemetery of the Marienkirche.

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Individual evidence

  1. Traubbuch entry in the Sophienkirche, copy in the Landesarchiv Berlin, quoted in Johann Friedrich Falckenhagen Institute for Organ Research Brandenburg
  2. Hartmut Kühne, Claudia Rückert, Thomas Drachenberg (eds.): Church in the city. The Marienkirche in Bernau and its furnishings. Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2017. p. 218
  3. ^ Organ of the Marienkirche ( memento from April 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on October 26, 2019
  4. ^ Wm. A. Little: Mendelssohn and the Organ. Oxfort University Press 2010. p. 377
  5. ^ General address book for Berlin . Berlin 1820. p. 101
  6. dead entry in the Marienkirche, copy in the Berlin State Archive