Johann Friedrich Kleemann

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Johann Friedrich Kleemann (born November 29, 1729 in Tettenborn , † August 12, 1788 in Walkenried ) was a Brunswick-Wolfenbüttelscher Oberamtmann.


He was the son of Johann August Kleemann (1693–1756), who had leased the Walkenried monastery as senior bailiff. After attending school, Kleemann pursued a senior civil service career in the service of the Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel and, like his father, took over the position of senior magistrate in the monastery of Walkenried in the Harz region . The son was able to build on the exemplary management of the office by his father and continue this seamlessly, so that he had already achieved considerable wealth in the years 1767/68.

Among other things, Kleemann had claims to Vockstedt Castle at Artern, which he passed on to his sons. Ultimately, in 1804, his descendants managed to acquire a share of the aforementioned castle property.

In the years of price increases from 1770 to 1772, he significantly supported the poor in Walkenried and in the area of ​​the office.

When Kleemann died in 1788, he left behind a ton of gold, among other things, which was already considered strange by contemporaries.


He married Nebelung (1736–1826) on April 25, 1752 in Salza Marie Christine born. Her sons in 1789 were the royal Prussian Bergrat and Oberbergamt - also district judge of Rothenburg an der Saale , Johann August Friedrich Kleemann († 1827), and the bailiff and land rent master of Sondershausen , Johann Ernst Gottfried Kleemann († 1805) and the princely-Anhalt -Bernburg Council Johann Carl Friedrich Kleemann zu Bernburg. There were also two Kleemann sons who were underage at the time.


  • Wilhelm Kleemann: Genealogy of the Kleemann family in the south of Harz 1620–1933 , Hanover-Döhren 1933.

Individual evidence

  1. His weathered tomb was still in Walkenried for a long time, cf. The art monuments of the Blankenburg district and parts of the Hohenstein district , 1979, p. 358.
  2. ^ Johann Christian Hoffmann: Oekonomische Hefte or collection of news, experiences and observations for the city and farmer , Volume 9, Leipzig, 1797, p. 394.
  3. ^ Johann Christian Hoffmann: Oekonomische Hefte or collection of news, experiences and observations for the city and farmer , Volume 9, Leipzig, 1797, p. 393.
  4. Further genealogical data on the descendants