Johann Friedrich Poeckel

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Johann Friedrich Pöckel (* 16th May 1614 in Leipzig , † 19th June 1649 in Delitzsch ) was an electoral Saxon Office Schösser , until his death, the Office Delitzsch managed.

Pöckel was a son of the second marriage of the Leipzig citizen and council builder Enoch Pöckel . His successor in office in Delitzsch was Christian Mayer (1610–1669), who used with Pöckel's sister-in-law Christina. Enoch Pöckel born Was married cloudy.

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Wilde : The sorcery and witch trials in Saxony . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-412-10602-X , p. 285 (plus habilitation thesis, TU Chemnitz 2002)