Johann Georg Banschbach

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Johann Georg Banschbach (born May 30, 1853 in Oberschefflenz, today the municipality of Schefflenz ; † December 21, 1927 in Mosbach ) was a mill owner, private citizen and member of the second chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly .


After attending primary school, Banschbach learned the trade of miller. From 1876 to 1877 he attended the Bauewerk-Schule Holzminden-Braunschweig for three semesters (training of builders in the 19th century), after which he was a master miller in Auerbach, today the municipality of Elztal , and from 1909 a private citizen in Mosbach.


From 1905 to 1918 Banschbach was a member of the Conservative Party of the second chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly. He was faction leader of his party and from the parliamentary session periods 1905/06 to 1911/12 a member of the Railway and Road Commission, from the session periods 1913/14 to 1917/18 also a member of the election review and budget commission. In addition, he was a member of the House of Representatives Committee from the 1913/14 session.


Johann Georg Banschbach came from a middle-class family. He stood up for the moral and moral education of the students, and therefore he called for the continuation of religious instruction in the subject canon of the school. He supported the expansion of the "sanatoriums and nursing homes" in Mosbach and Schwarzach. He also advocated the construction of railway lines in the Baden hinterland, B. for the railway line from Oberschefflenz to Billigheim , which was finally built, while other railway lines requested by Banschbach did not come about. Since several railway lines in the east of Baden were not realized, Banschbach demanded the construction of paved country roads for the emerging motor traffic.


  • Konrad Exner-Seemann: Parliamentary work in the constituency of Mosbach-Johann Georg Banschbach (1905-1918) . In: Mosbacher Jahreshefte 1998, Mosbach 1998, pp. 59–96, ISBN 3-929295-49-0 .
  • Konrad Exner-Seemann: 50 years of the Basic Law. Forerunner of the Basic Law, Member of the Baden State Parliament , Karlsruhe 1999, ISBN 3-7650-8229-5 .
  • Alfred Rapp: The Baden state parliament members 1905-1929 , Karlsruhe 1929, p. 6

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