Johann Georg Stuhr

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Crane, scales and stock exchange in Hamburg , 1680

Johann Georg Stuhr (* around 1640 in Hamburg ; † May 8, 1721 there ) was a German painter .


Little is known about Stuhr's life. On July 31, 1681 he became master of the painter's office of the Hamburg painter guild.

In Eckhardt's opinion, Stuhr was one of the most talented and hard-working northern German artists of his time:

“Landscapes, especially seascapes and harbor views, were the subjects of his depiction, in which he often came close to Abraham Storck and very close to Lingelbach . For a change he also painted prospectuses, especially Hamburg ones; Then perspective and historical objects, also animal pieces in the taste of Hondekoeter’s , and finally also portraits. "

- Eckhardt
Hamburg from the southwest with the Katharinenkirche and the Leopoldus Primus , around 1700

The engraver Pieter van dem Berge (1659–1737) engraved after him in 1699 the portrait of the Hamburg Seniors Samuel Schultze and Johann Friedlein (before 1685 – after 1706) that of the preacher Detlev Beckmann (1645–1684) in Itzehoe.

The Hamburger Kunsthalle acquired the two pictures Sea Battle and Sea Battle from Stuhr in 1898 . The Patriotic Society in 1927 in Hamburg acquired the painting tree house with low and inland port , which in the Hamburg Museum on permanent loan and was restored, 2015.

His son Johann Stuhr was also a painter, who mostly created pictures with maritime motifs.


  • GL Eckhardt: Hamburg artist news. Supplements to Fueßli's artist lexicon. LF Gauss, Hamburg, 1794, pp. 73f.
Tree house with low and inland harbor in Hamburg, around 1690

Web links

Commons : Johann Georg Stuhr  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ GL Eckhardt: Hamburg artist news . Supplements to Fueßli's artist lexicon. LF Gauss, Hamburg, 1794, pp. 73f.
  2. Beate Borowka-Clausberg (ed.): Salomon Heine in Hamburg: Business and common sense. Wallstein, Göttingen, 2013, p. 98.
  3. Article on the restoration of the painting: Hamburg Museum shows elaborately restored port painting by the Patriotic Society from April 23, 2015 /