Johann Heinrich Sulzer

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Johann Heinrich Sulzer (born September 18, 1735 in Winterthur ; † August 14, 1814 there ) was a Swiss physician and entomologist .

He was born as the son of his father of the same name, Stadtphysicus von Winterthur. He studied medicine in Tübingen and then returned to Winterthur, where he opened a doctor's practice in 1755 and became a city physician. In Winterthur he was in charge of the fight against smallpox ; In 1763 he introduced the vaccination against human pox ( variolation ) and in 1798 the vaccination against cowpox ( vaccination ) in the city. He wrote publications for Hans Conrad Rahn's "Medical Archive".

In 1787 and 1788 he made attempts to treat heart failure with red thimble . As a scientist, he was the author of The Characteristics of Insects (1761) and Abbreviated History of Insects According to the Linae System (1776), two of the first books on insects to use the system by Carl von Linné .

From 1770 he sat on the Grand Council of Winterthur. His son was the bookseller and politician Johann Heinrich Sulzer .

Web links

 Wikispecies: Johann Heinrich Sulzer  - Species Directory