Johann Hermann Knoop

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Johann Hermann Knoop (born (uncertain) 1706 near Kassel ; died (uncertain) August 4, 1769 in Amsterdam ) was a German gardener. He is the author of the Pomologia , the first work on the systematic science of fruit varieties, and is therefore considered the founder of scientific pomology .


Johann Hermann Knoop was probably born in Kassel in 1706. His father was the administrator of the princely pleasure garden of the Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel in Freienhagen on the Fulda.

About 1730 Knoop was the daughter of his father's employer, Marie-Louise of Hesse-Kassel , the widowed Princess of Orange, as a gardener for their country estate Mariënburg to Leeuwarden fetched. As her gardening director, he was responsible for the planting and maintenance of the 5 hectare garden, which included not only ornamental but also extensive fruit plantations. Knoop turned out to be a successful gardener. So he introduced the cultivation of potatoes in his employer’s garden and was able to serve her potatoes for the first time on December 13, 1742. After many years of service, however, he was dismissed from service around 1749 due to alcoholism. In order to earn a living after his release, he taught mathematics and wrote several books. Knoop demonstrated versatile talents and knowledge; so he published books on plant systematics, horticulture, astronomy, mathematics and history. Despite the large number of his books, he became impoverished and ended up living in the poor house. Knoop probably died in Amsterdam on August 4, 1769.

Pomologia, Fructologia and Dendrologia

Presentation of different pear varieties from Knoop's Pomologia plant
Representation of cherry
varieties from Knoop's Fructologia plant

In 1758 he published his main work, the Pomologia, through the publisher Abraham Ferwerda in Leeuwarden . In this book, Knoop describes the best apple and pear varieties from Holland, Germany, France, England and other countries. The fruits are shown in color in their natural size. The images were engraved by Jacob Folkema and Jan Casper Philips and colored by the publisher's daughters. A total of 125 apple varieties are described in the book, 103 of which are shown on 12 colored boards. Of the 92 types of pear described, 82 are shown on 8 panels.

The work was widely used; it appeared in several editions and translations. It was published in German in 1760 in Nuremberg by the publisher Johann Michael Seligmann . He published a second volume in 1766, which is often also attributed to Johann H. Knoop. The author is actually Justus Christoph Zinck (1686–1758) from Meiningen, the illustrations are by the painter Johann Christian Sänger.

With the pomologia Knoop is considered to be the founder of a new science, pomology , to which he gave its name at the same time as the work. It is the first publication in which types of fruit are shown in colored images in true-to-life size.

In 1763, Knoop published another book on fruits, the Fructologia . In it he describes numerous varieties of other types of fruit: 5 types of quince, 26 types of cherry, 41 types of plum, 52 types of grape and 6 types of currant. Other types of fruit are considered with only one example each, including apricots, peaches, nuts and various types of berries. In 1771 the Pomologia and the Fructologia appeared in a French translation.

Plants for ornamental gardens and parks are dealt with in the Dendrologia , also published in 1763 .


  • In 1956 the city of Leeuwarden named the Johann Hermann Knoopstraat in his honor.
  • The following plant species were named after Knoop:


  • De beknopte huis- houdelijke Hovenier, of negotiating en lijsten der ooft-vruchten, van de plantagie-gewassen, van de keuken-gewassen, veldt-vrugten enz. Leeuwarden 1752
  • Beschouwende en Werkdadige hovenier-konst of inleiding tot de waare oeffening der planten: Waarin aangewezen was al't gene een hovenier en aan other tuin-oeffenaars dienstig en nodig cyn kan te weeten, om niet alleen met wenscht voordeel, maar ook met vermaak all boom, heester, kruid. Abraham Ferwerda, Leeuwarden 1753
  • Jongmans-onderwijzer leerende .... de arithmetica, het boekhouden, de architecture, de astronomie etc. Leeuwarden 1756–59
  • Sleutel of the Latynsche Constvoorden, wilted in de botanye, pharmacye en medicyne 't most used. A. Van Linge, Leeuwarden 1758
  • Onderwijs om couranten te lezen. Leeuwarden 1758
  • Pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica. JS Luyter, Leeuwarden 1758
  • Pomologia, dat is Beschrijvingen en Afbeeldingen van de best Zoorten van Appels en Peeren, wilted In Neder- en Hoog-Duitschland, in Frankryk, Engeland, Engelland en elders geagt zijn en tot dien been cultivated. Beschreven, naar het leven geteikend en met de natuurlijke coleuren afgezet. Abraham Ferwerda, Leeuwarden 1758
    • other Dutch editions with a slightly different title: Leeuwarden 1770, Amsterdam 1790
    • German edition: Pomologia, that is the description and images of the best varieties of apples and pears, which are respected in Holland / Germany / France / Engeland and elsewhere and are therefore cultivated. Described, mapped from life and illuminated with their natural colors. Translation by D. Georg Leonhart Huth, Johann Michael Seligmann, Nuremberg 1760
    • French edition: Pomologie ou description des meilleurs sortes de pommes et de poires: que l'on estime et cultive le plus, soit aux Pais-Bas, soit en Allemagne, en France, en Angleterre, & c. Godart, Londres 1771
  • Map of Leeuwarden. around 1760
  • Bloemtuin, met eene aanleyding tot de cultuur der Gewassen, alsmede een maandelijkse aanwijsing der tuinbesigheden. Leeuwarden 1760
  • Constant negotiation of the spherical of klootse sonnewijzers. Leeuwarden 1761
  • Medicinal plants. Harlem 1762
  • Fructologia, of beschryving der vrugtbomen en vrugten die men in de hoven plant en onderhoud. Abraham Ferwerda, Leeuwarden 1763
    • other Dutch editions with a slightly different title: Leeuwarden 1770, Amsterdam 1790
    • German edition: 1766
    • French edition: Fructologie ou description des arbres fruitiers: ainsi que des fruits qu'on plante et qu'on cultive ordinairement dans les jardins: avec une explication détaillée de leurs différentes dénominations, de leur pays natal, de leur propagation, de leur culture & de leur usage oeconomique. Godart, Londres 1768
      • another French edition: 1771
  • Dendrologia: Beschryving the plantation waters that are cultivated in the Tuins. Leeuwarden, 1763
    • other Dutch editions: Leeuwarden 1770, Amsterdam 1790
  • Tegenwoordige state of historical beschryvinge van Friesland. Van Linge, Leeuwarden 1763
    • other editions: NT Gravius, 1789
  • Nieuwe historical Beschrijving van den geheelen Aardkloot. Created around 1765, published posthumously in Amsterdam 1785
  • Vermakelyk wapen-knowledgeable, geographically en historically spel, relevant de voornaamste hostile states in Europe en serving om de jonge lieden, inzonderheid the van een sea as gemeene geboorte of educatie zyn, de wapen-kunde, geographie en historie gelyk as speelender wyze te empty . D. Klippink, Amsterdam 1768
  • Pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica. JS Luyter, 1768
  • Beschryving van de moes- en keuken-tuin, zo van alle vrugten, planned en kruiden die men in dezelve plans: Waar by derzelver differente benamingen, grociplaats, zoorten, voorteeling, cultuur, broeijing, vervroeging en huishoudelyk gebruik, als medve hoe men dezel inleggen kan, as also the individual collar in de medicynen, en voor as reported vrugten gezond of ongezond zyn. Waar agter nog gevoegt zyn different registers ... Door een veeljarige ondervinding opgestelt. Abraham Ferwerda and G. Tresling, 1769
  • Beschrijving van vruchtboomen en vruchten, die men in hoven plant en onderhoudt, met derzelver verschhillende naamen, voortteeling, groeiplaatzen, aankweeking, huishoudelijk gebruik, wijze van uitleggen, en toebereiding: na eene veeljaarige ondervinding opgesteld. Allart, Holtrop, de Leeuw en Krap, 1790

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ S. Martini: History of pomology in Europe, Stutz & Co., Wädenswil 1988, p. 57
  2. ^ Entry on Mariënburg te Leeuwarden Castle on the Stinsen en States homepage in Friesland, accessed on June 8, 2014
  3. ^ R. Visscher: Knoop (Johann Hermann) . In: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 3, Sp. 706f
  4. Appels met peren vergelijken: de teelt- en hoveniersboeken van Johann Hermann Knoop. Article about Johann Hermann Knoop on the homepage of the Utrecht University Library, accessed on June 8, 2014
  5. ^ R. Visscher: Knoop (Johann Hermann) . In: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 3, Sp. 706f
  6. S. Martini: History of Pomology in Europe, Stutz & Co., Wädenswil 1988, p. 59
  7. ^ S. Martini: History of Pomology in Europe, Stutz & Co., Wädenswil 1988, p. 60
  8. S. Martini: History of Pomology in Europe, Stutz & Co., Wädenswil 1988, p. 59
  9. Trot. Mus. Comercial Venezuela (Bol. Minist. Relac. Exter. Nos. 8 & 9) 4 1927 (IK)
  10. Begonian 49 (5-6): 63 1982 (IK)
  11. Phoradendron 152 descr. 1916 (IK)