Johann Hilghemann

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Johann Hilghemann , also Hilgheman or Hilgemann († May 2, 1430 ) was the mayor of Greifswald .

Johann Hilghemann was the son of Arnold Hilghemann. He had been a councilor since 1389 and became provisional to the Heiliggeist Hospital in 1402. In 1404 he became a chamberlain . Hilghemann was elected mayor in 1418 and represented the city at the Hanseatic Days .

When the estate was shared with his sisters and two brothers, he received his father's house in Knopfstrasse in 1384. In 1392 he bought the corner house of his late brother Wichard in Steinbeckerstrasse, which he left to his nephew Arnold Hilghemann († 1465) in 1418. He also acquired several houses on Knopf, Kuh and Brüggstrasse. In Mühlenstrasse he bought a farm next to the Franciscan monastery , which in 1423 came to councilor Albert Warschow.

From his marriage to Alveke, widow of Eler Burow, four daughters emerged, including Katharina Hilgheman, who later became the wife of the university founder Heinrich Rubenow .

Johann Hilghemann was buried in Greifswald's Marienkirche .


  • Theodor Pyl (Ed.): The genealogies of the Greifswald council members, from 1382 to 1647. (= Pomeranian Genealogies. Volume 5), Greifswald 1896, p. 204f