Johann Kaps

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Johann Kaps (born September 25, 1895 in Floridsdorf , † April 7, 1966 in Vienna ) was an Austrian politician.

Johann Kaps, born as the son of a locksmith at the Floridsdorfer Lokomotivfabrik in Floridsdorf, moved with the family to Brigittenau at an early age. There the father ran a tobacco shop and was a co-founder of the association of social democratic traders in the district.

Johann Kaps also trained as a locksmith and was a member of the Association of Young Workers since 1909 and of the SDAP since 1911 .

After the First World War he was one of the founders of the Republican Schutzbund in Brigittenau .

In 1934 Kaps was arrested for political activity and interned in the Wöllersdorf detention camp for several months, where his teeth were also knocked in ( documents are available in the documentation archive of the Austrian resistance ).

In the last days of the war Kaps got in touch with Brigittenau comrades. The rapid re-establishment of the party in the district and its recognition by the Soviets was largely due to him. "

From 1945 to 1963 Kaps was district chairman of the SPÖ- Brigittenau (period of reconstruction) and from 1945 to 1964 a member of the Vienna City Council.

The Johann-Kaps-Hof in Vienna 20. is named after him (Jägerstraße / Stromstraße; residential complex of the municipality of Vienna).

Johann Kaps was married to Hermine (née Wöhry), her sister Anna (née Wöhry) to Adalbert Novacek. Kaps was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery .

Some events

Johann Kaps also played in the championship team of the WAC , which was Austrian football champion for the fourth time in 1914/15. The Austrian football championship 1914/15 was the first war championship to be held.

On August 7, 1957, Kaps was elected to the supervisory board at the constituent meeting of the supervisory board of the "Wiener Stadthalle-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH".

On May 3, 1962, Johann Kaps, together with Max Opravil, Professor Josef Layr, the Komm.-Rat Anton Marousek and Adolf Pekarek, received the Sports Badge of Honor from the City of Vienna.

Individual evidence

  1. Locomotive factory. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  2. ^ Association of Young Workers. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  3. SDAP. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  4. Brigittenau. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  5. ↑ Detention camp in Wöllersdorf. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  6. Johann Kaps. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  7. ^ Vienna City Council. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  8. Street signs
  9. Constituent meeting of the supervisory board of the Stadthalle-Betriebsgesellschaft
  10. Sports honor for five deserving officials