Johann Knobloch (doctor)

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Portrait of Johann Knobloch in a memorial

Johann Knobloch (Latinized Io (h) annes Cnoblochus , born June 24, 1520 in Frankfurt (Oder) ; † 1599 there on the plague) was a German medic.


Knobloch studied medicine at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt as a student of Jodocus Willich , later in Wittenberg and Padua , where he received his doctorate in 1566. He became the successor to Heinrich Eggeling, the first professor of anatomy in Frankfurt (Oder) . During the following decades he did a great job fighting the plague and became a recognized specialist. He was dean of the medical faculty four times and rector of the university three times. He himself died of the plague in old age.


  • Klaus Eichler, History of the Medical Faculty in: Association for the Study of the History of Viadrina e. V., Annual Report No. 1, 1998, scrîpvaz-Verlag Frankfurt (Oder) 1998, p. 30 ff

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