Johann Koenigsberger

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Johann Koenigsberger (born May 7, 1874 in Heidelberg , † December 3, 1946 in Freiburg ) was a German physicist, mineralogist and member of the Baden state parliament .


After Koenigsberger's visit to high school in Heidelberg, he began studying natural sciences and mathematics in Heidelberg, Berlin and Freiburg from 1892 to 1897 . In 1897 he received his doctorate in Berlin and worked as an assistant at the Physics Institute in Freiburg. Three years later he completed his habilitation and was then from 1904 to 1935 a scheduled associate professor for mathematical physics . As a war volunteer from 1914 to 1916, he was a member of the infantry or the Neu Breisach cycling company. Koenigsberger was also involved in political events. From 1919 to 1921 he represented the Social Democratic Party of Germany in the state parliament of the Republic of Baden . In 1936 his Jewish descent was determined by the Reich Office for Family Research .


  • Volker Remmert: Johann Koenigsberger . In: Fred Ludwig Sepaintner (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume NF 5. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 149-151.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Volker Remmert: Johann Koenigsberger . In: Fred Ludwig Sepaintner (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume NF 5. Stuttgart 2005, p. 149 f .